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See also: Player Mechanics, Difficulties, Game Mechanics

Checkpoints are objects found inside most of ULTRAKILL's levels. They serve as locations for the player to respawn using the "Checkpoint" button in the pause menu or after death.


There are 5 kinds of Checkpoints.

Checkpoints are translucent pink inscribed with the word "CHECKPOINT" in the middle. They often appear between 2 walls, making them difficult or even sometimes impossible to avoid. When touched, they disappear. They are first introduced right in 0-1: Into the Fire, and appear in all regular levels onwards. These Checkpoints can be spawned using the Spawner Arm Spawner Arm when in the Sandbox.

Invisible Checkpoints are Checkpoints with the same effect as normal ones, but no external appearance. Examples of such checkpoints can be encountered at the beginning and end of 7-1: Garden of Forking Paths and in the beginning of P-2: Wait of the World. They do not behave any differently from visible checkpoints other than being undetectable.

Reusable Checkpoints are round, reusable checkpoints that re-appear after some time or when capturing another checkpoint. They make their debut in 4-2: God Damn the Sun. Notably, there are a few exceptions of checkpoints that are round but are not Reusable. These can be found in 4-4: Clair de Soleil, 5-1: In the Wake of Poseidon, and 5-2: Waves of the Starless Sea.

Checkpoint Crates are wooden crates with big yellow C on the sides, mirroring the look of checkpoint crates from Crash Bandicoot games. When destroyed, they act as regular Checkpoints. They are encountered exclusively in 4-S: Clash of the Brandicoot.

Spawn Points are translucent blue, inscribed with the words "SPAWN POINT". They are exclusively found using the Spawner Arm Spawner Arm when in the Sandbox and their primary use is to act as a point that the player can load from when opening a Sandbox save.


Checkpoints allow the player to restart from a set location, whichever one was last touched by the player. They can be accessed using the "Checkpoint" button in the Pause Menu, or by restarting after a death. If the player has not interacted with any Checkpoint in the level, performing either of these actions will restart the level.

Checkpoints will reset the player's state to full health and stamina, with all weapon cooldowns at maximum and previously-gained power-ups disabled. They will also reset the state of enemies to wherever they were when the checkpoint was originally interacted with. While checkpoints reset combat encounters, they do not reset things like most destructible objects, certain interactable objects such as Skull Keys and tablets/buttons, and unlockables such as weapons found within the level.

Many encounters, particularly those with bosses, will skip or speed up a previously shown introduction if the player restarts from a checkpoint after seeing them.

In Lenient difficulty, restarting from the same checkpoint 3 or more times will cause the player to gain 101 health, and have their maximum health set to 200 instead of 100.

Spawn Point checkpoints are not interacted with but rather serve as a set point where, if placed in a Sandbox save, the player will load from when opening that save. They function exclusively within the Sandbox.

List of Checkpoints

Checkpoints marked with * are Reusable Checkpoints.


Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
0-1: Into the Fire 6
  1. Hallway (After Piercer Pickup)
  2. Glass Intro (After first Glass Floor)
  3. Projectile Arena (At the entrance to the Projectile Arena)
  4. Combo Hallway (Parry Hallway where the player learns to parry)
  5. Projectile Zombies Room (Before Pipe Room)
  6. Boss Checkpoint (Before the Malicious Face Malicious Face bossfight)
0-2: The Meatgrinder 3
  1. Swordsmachine Hallway (Before the Crusher Demonstration Rooms)
  2. Crusher Hallway (At the end of, well, the Crusher Hallway)
  3. Swordsmachine Arena Hallway (Before the Swordsmachine Swordsmachine bossfight)
0-3: Double Down 4
  1. Hallway (Before the first Swordsmachine encounter)
  2. Menacing Room (After the "INSUFFICIENT FIREPOWER" breakable wall)
  3. Windtunnel (At the entrance to the windtunnel)
  4. Boss Staircase (Right before the second Swordsmachine encounter)
0-4: A One-Machine Army 2
  1. Hallway 1 (Before the Spinning Hallway)
  2. Hallway 2 (Before the Fan Arena)
0-5: Cerberus 1
  1. Smallway (Before the Cerberus Cerberus bossfight)
0-S: Something Wicked 0 N/A

LAYER 1: Limbo

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
1-1: Heart of the Sunrise 4
  1. Corner Hallway (Before the Drone Drone introduction)
  2. Castle Entrance Corridor (Before the Attractor Nailgun Attractor Nailgun pickup spot)
  3. Blue Skull Room (Before the Waterfall Arena shortcut door)
  4. Hall (At the Church entrance)
1-2: The Burning World 3
  1. Upper Way (At the entrance to the Upper Floor)
  2. Broken Wall (Behind the Broken Wall on the Upper Floor)
  3. Castle Entrance (Before the Final Arena)
1-3: Halls of Sacred Remains 7
  1. Courtyard (Entrance to Red Skull Path)
  2. Second Arena (Entrance to Lava Room)
  3. Final Arena (Entrance to Red Skull Arena)
  4. Blue Hallway (Entrance to Blue Skull Path)
  5. B1-D Lava Hallway (After Lava Stairs Arena in the Lava Hallway)
  6. Tall Room (After Staircase Arena in the Tall Room)
  7. Courtyard Window (Before the Hideous Mass Hideous Mass bossfight)
1-4: Clair de Lune 2
  1. Main Hall (Before the door to the skull pedestals)
  2. Arena (Before the V2 V2 bossfight)
1-S: The Witless 0 N/A

LAYER 2: Lust

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
2-1: Bridgeburner 2
  1. Tower 1 (At the "top" of the first tower)
  2. Outdoors Arenas (At the end of the Bridge)
2-2: Death at 20,000 Volts 2
  1. Tunnel (At the foot of the Generator Staircase)
  2. Laser Walkway (Before the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon Room)
2-3: Sheer Heart Attack 5
  1. Waterfall Connector (Before the Waterfall Arena)
  2. Blue Skull Connector (Before the Blue Skull pickup)
  3. Arena 2 (Before the Grinder Arena)
  4. Red Skull Connector (Before the Red Skull pickup)
  5. Final Arena (Before the Final Arena fight)
2-4: Court of the Corpse King 2
  1. The Hand of the Corpse of King Minos (Before the Hand of the Corpse of King Minos encounter)
  2. Second Encounter (Next to the terminal for The Corpse of King Minos The Corpse of King Minos bossfight)
2-S: All-Imperfect Love Song 0 N/A

LAYER 3: Gluttony

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
3-1: Belly of the Beast 5
  1. Big Arena (At the entrance of the first large arena)
  2. Mouth Tunnel (At the mouth of the Triple Cerberus Room)
  3. Stairways (At the entrance of the Spinal Stairways)
  4. Bridge Arena (In the Bridge Arena)
  5. Uphill Battle (At the top of the upward-inclined acid river room)
3-2: In the Flesh 1
  1. Heart Chamber (Before the Gabriel, Judge of Hell Gabriel, Judge of Hell bossfight)

LAYER 4: Greed

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
4-1: Slaves to Power 5
  1. Virtue Arena (In the Virtue Virtue introduction room)
  2. Tower (Before the entrance to a pillared hallway that holds 2 Virtues)
  3. Staircase Arena (At the beginning of the Lava Room)
  4. Platforms (After the Lava Room)
  5. Dual Wield Arena (Before the Dual Wield Arena)
4-2: God Damn the Sun 4
  1. Gazebo (After the Sanded Cerberus fight)
  2. Temple Entrance (Before the Stalker Stalker introduction)
  3. Solarium (In the center of the Solarium)*
  4. Boss Arena (At the entrance to the Insurrectionist Insurrectionist bossfight arena)*
4-3: A Shot in the Dark 3
  1. Stairs Hallway (In the corridor to the Pillar Arena)
  2. Traitor Hallway (Before the Gabriel mural with TRAITOR scribbled on it)
  3. Generator Room Hallway (Before the Generator Room)
4-4: Clair de Soleil 3
  1. Boss Entrance (Before the V2 (2nd) V2 (2nd) fight)
  2. Broken Wall (At the hole in the wall created by V2 during its escape)
  3. Landing Platform (At the landing platform where the player aquires the Whiplash Whiplash)
4-S: Clash of the Brandicoot 7

All checkpoints in 4-S are Checkpoint Crates, save for the first checkpoint.

  1. Basics 1 (Start of the level)
  2. Basics 2 (After the first Stray spawn)
  3. Basics 3 (Midway up the tower)
  4. Inside 1 (At the entrance to the Inside/Dark Hallway)
  5. Inside 2 (Before the Rotating Virtue Platforms)
  6. Distant Sidescroller (At the entrance to the rooms that fix the camera in place)
  7. Boulder Run (At the start of the Boulder Chase)

LAYER 5: Wrath

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
5-1: In the Wake of Poseidon 6
  1. Main Cave (In front of the Main Cave's drop point)
  2. Tunnel A (In its respective skull tunnel)
  3. Tunnel B (In its respective skull tunnel)
  4. Tunnel C (In its respective skull tunnel)
  5. Elevator (At the start of the Exit Tunnel)
  6. Water Processing Chamber (In the second room of the water processing chamber)
5-2: Waves of the Starless Sea 4
  1. Fort (Between the rock formations and the Ferryman Ferryman's cabin)
  2. Dark Hallway (Between the Ferryman's cabin and the Exhibition Arena)
  3. Broken Pier (After the Blue Skull pickup)
  4. Red Skull Platforms (On the last platform revealed by the Red Skull)
5-3: Ship of Fools 6
  1. L Hallway (The hallway between the Fireplace Hallway and the Blue Skull Arena)
  2. Lounge Bar (At the entrance to the Red Skull Arena)
  3. Residence Corridor (Placed where one could consider as a Dormitory Hallway)
  4. Hologram Room (Before the Gabe Hologram room)
  5. Sunken Side Dual Wield Arena (At the base of the turned-over roof)
  6. Sunken Staircase (At the top of the turned-over Grand Stairs)
5-4: Leviathan 1
  1. Surface (On the sinking platform before the Leviathan Leviathan bossfight.)
5-S: I Only Say Morning 0 N/A

LAYER 6: Heresy

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
6-1: Cry for the Weeper 5
  1. Crossroads (In the middle of the Crossroads; reusable, but only after taking the Red Skull)*
  2. Lava Chasm (At the beginning of the Lava Chasm)
  3. City Skyline (At the entrance to the skyline after the large drop)
  4. Chapel Entrance (At the entrance to the room with boiling blood underfoot after the drop)
  5. Hall of Sacrilegious Remains (At the entrance to the Hall of Sacrilegious Remains)
6-2: Aesthetics of Hate 1
  1. Right after the Gabriel, Apostate of Hate Gabriel, Apostate of Hate boss gate entrance.

LAYER 7: Violence

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
7-1: Garden of Forking Paths 4
  1. Mass (Where the Mannequin Mannequins turn to face the player)
  2. Walkway Arena (In the walkway before the Blue Skull pedestal arena)
  3. Labyrinth Center (In the middle of the room)*
  4. Tram Area (At the second drop, before the tram)
7-2: Light Up the Night 6
  1. Corner Staircase (Just before the first Gutterman Gutterman encounter)
  2. Outdoors Start (Just after the Gutterman Room and just before the gazebo)
  3. Tower (At the newly-exposed entrance to the clock tower)
  4. Tram Station (Train Station, becomes reusable after unlocking the gate and again after returning with the bomb)*
  5. Bomb Station (Bomb Depot, in front of where the train stops)*
  6. Forgotten Archive (The entrance to The Archive)
7-3: No Sound, No Memory 4
  1. Forest Path (After the gate to the right pathway)
  2. Central Plaza (In the corridor intended to lead the player to the left pathway)
  3. Circular Garden (Before the left pathway's tree, heading from the intended route)
  4. Grand Hall (Before the final arena)
7-4: ...Like Antennas to Heaven 6
  1. Yellow (Where the first Bounce Pad bounces you)
  2. Cityside (Where the two Soldier Soldiers outside spawn)
  3. Security Checkpoint (Before the 1000-THR "Earthmover" Defence System 1000-THR "Earthmover" Defence System arena)
  4. Interior (Directly before the Idol Idols segment in the stomach)
  5. Brain (Before the 1000-THR "Earthmover" 1000-THR "Earthmover" Brain arena)
  6. Decimated Brain (After the 1000-THR "Earthmover" Brain arena, in the same spot as the previous checkpoint)
7-S: Hell Bath No Fury 4
  1. Lounge (After the first arena)
  2. Library (Right after the Red Skull acquiring pedestal)
  3. Courtyard (Right after the Red Skull placing pedestal)
  4. The World Looks Unclean (At the entrance of the fake exit, after finding out the twist)

Prime Sanctums

Number and Name Total Checkpoints Checkpoint Locations
P-1: Soul Survivor 1
  1. Inner Sanctum (After the Gate to the Inner Sanctum)
P-2: Wait of the World 5
  1. Intro (Right before the first encounter; Note: Invisible)
  2. Bridge Street (On the Bridge)*
  3. Idol Idol Arena (In the entrance to the Plaza)*
  4. Final Arena (Misleadingly named, at the entrance to the Stalker Chamber)
  5. Boss Arena (The Inner Sanctum)

