0-S: Something Wicked

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0-S: Something Wicked
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Something Wicked Something Wicked
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Secret Level.png 0-S

0-S: SOMETHING WICKED is the Prelude's secret level, accessed through a secret exit in 0-2: THE MEATGRINDER. Based off the style of early chaser horror games, 0-S revolves around the player navigating a pitch-black labyrinth while being chased by the incredibly dangerous Something Wicked Something Wicked, all while finding Skull Keys to light up and unlock the path forward.



The level starts off in a small room enveloped in darkness, with a Blue Skull Key acting as the only source of light outside of the entrance lights. To the left and right sides of the room lie each a set of corridors, with the right side being the path forward and the left corridor blocked by a pile of rubble.

Inside 0-S, the player will only have the default Piercer Revolver Piercer Revolver along with any Arms Arms that the player has equipped, even if the player has collected more Weapons or Variants.

Picking up the skull from the pedestal will cause an ominous hiss to appear after collecting it, signaling the presence of Something Wicked Something Wicked. A message will then appear below:

Something wicked this way comes.


For more information on the enemy, see Something Wicked.

Something Wicked Something Wicked is the main threat and only enemy within 0-S, roaming around the level and chasing after the player if it gets too close. Its main behavior consists of patrolling around the level in an attempt to chase the player, with two main patrol points in the level that it will travel to. Something Wicked Something Wicked will emit a droning noise which signals the player if it is getting close towards them or not. If it has a direct line of sight at the player it will then chase towards them until it is broken, with the chase being signaled by a loud hiss.

Something Wicked Something Wicked is unable to be killed by any means, however, any damage that it takes will cause it to teleport to the furthest patrol point from the player. If the player gets hit by Something Wicked, the player will instantly be killed and then forced back to the beginning of the level due to the lack of checkpoints.

The Maze

To progress through the level, the player has to find a set of Skull Pedestals that are found throughout the level, starting off with finding a Blue Pedestal to unlock with the starting Key, then acquiring a Red Skull Key to then find its corresponding pedestal.

Inside the maze lies a series of dark corridors, rooms, and vent tunnels for the player to wander through, with various landmarks and structures stationed throughout for a sense of positioning, shortcuts, or key objectives. These landmarks include:

  • Tunnels: A small network of vents and tunnels located nearby the start of the level to the south east, acting as shortcuts to regions in the maze and as a cover from Something Wicked Something Wicked, as its height makes it unable to reach the player while inside.
  • Cerberus Statue: A lone inactive Cerberus Cerberus statue located nearby the Red Skull Key, with its room connecting to one of the tunnel exits.
  • Blue and Red Pedestals: Located by the north eastern section of the level, within a large room housing a set of stairs and a pool of water to the left of the room. The Pedestals themselves are located to the top right of the room with the Blue Pedestal visible. A large door sits behind the pedestal, which opens to reveal the Red Skull Key once the Blue Pedestal has been activated with the starting Skull Key.
  • Exit Room: Located at the south-western end of the level, consisting of a long hallway with pillars lining the sides of the room. The Exit Elevator and Red Pedestal lie at the end of the room.


Map of level 0-S with the path described drawn in green.
Map of level 0-S by locked_dream, with the path described drawn in green.

Starting from the spawn point:

1. Walk forward and pick up the Blue Skull Key.

2. Take an immediate right, then walk to the first hallway intersection, with a left and right path. Go right into the vents, and stay to the rightmost path through the next 2 intersections until you come upon an opening to a room with an inactive Cerberus Cerberus statue.

From here, you may run into Something Wicked Something Wicked, and, if encountered, should shoot it to respawn it.

3. Turn left and make two immediate rights once past the pillar. You should now be faced with the Blue Pedestal, which unlocks the Red Skull Key when activated. Take a breath, then grab this and wait until the ambient hum is as loud as it gets (Something Wicked Something Wicked is closest in its path, near the Cerberus Cerberus statue).

4. Exiting the room the way you came, run about 45° to your left until you reach an intersection; take the right hallway, run down it, turn left, and book it towards the Red Pedestal. Activating this despawns Something Wicked Something Wicked and unlocks the exit.


  • Punching while holding a Skull Key will briefly increase its luminosity before fading to its default brightness, making it easier to see through the dark.
  • The Whiplash Whiplash can be used to light up places farther away than the player's reach, along with being able to hit Something Wicked far easier than the Revolver Revolver.
  • Utilizing the small tunnels and low ceiling regions can ensure a safe hiding spot from Something Wicked Something Wicked, as it cannot reach or the player within small spaces due to its height.
  • If eventually closed in by Something Wicked Something Wicked, moving to a dead end with a single opening can help ensure Something Wicked does not try to flank the player and allow for the player to shoot forward in order to hit it effectively. Staying above Something Wicked Something Wicked within larger rooms can also help avoid it.
  • Listening to the volume of Something Wicked Something Wicked's audible droning noise can help with tracking its distance away from the player.


After completing the level and unlocking the exit, a Testament Terminal lies before the pit, housing the entry for Testament I.

Completing the level will send the player to the next level, 0-3: DOUBLE DOWN.

Testament Log







  • "Something wicked this way comes." is originally a line from Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare. It has been referenced numerous times in pop culture. The title of the level may be a reference to either the base material or to one of the works referencing it.
  • By spawning any enemy via the Spawner Arm, the soundtrack The Fire is Gone (For Music Box) will play, and is meant to serve as the level's "Combat Loop". Killing the enemies spawned will revert back to the "Calm Loop".

Prelude OVERTURE: The Mouth of Hell
0-1: Into the Fire 0-1: Into the Fire
0-2: The Meatgrinder 0-2: The Meatgrinder*
0-3: Double Down 0-3: Double Down
0-4: A One-Machine Army 0-4: A One-Machine Army
0-5: Cerberus 0-5: Cerberus
0-S: Something Wicked 0-S: Something Wicked
Act I
1-1: Heart of the Sunrise 1-1: Heart of the Sunrise*
1-2: The Burning World 1-2: The Burning World
1-3: Halls of Sacred Remains 1-3: Halls of Sacred Remains
1-4: Clair de Lune 1-4: Clair de Lune
1-S: The Witless 1-S: The Witless
2-1: Bridgeburner 2-1: Bridgeburner
2-2: Death at 20,000 Volts 2-2: Death at 20,000 Volts
2-3: Sheer Heart Attack 2-3: Sheer Heart Attack*
2-4: Court of the Corpse King 2-4: Court of the Corpse King
2-S: All-Imperfect Love Song 2-S: All-Imperfect Love Song
3-1: Belly of the Beast 3-1: Belly of the Beast*
3-2: In the Flesh 3-2: In the Flesh
Act II
4-1: Slaves to Power 4-1: Slaves to Power
4-2: God Damn the Sun 4-2: God Damn the Sun*
4-3: A Shot in the Dark 4-3: A Shot in the Dark
4-4: Clair de Soleil 4-4: Clair de Soleil
4-S: Clash of the Brandicoot 4-S: Clash of the Brandicoot
5-1: In the Wake of Poseidon 5-1: In the Wake of Poseidon*
5-2: Waves of the Starless Sea 5-2: Waves of the Starless Sea
5-3: Ship of Fools 5-3: Ship of Fools
5-4: Leviathan 5-4: Leviathan
5-S: I Only Say Morning 5-S: I Only Say Morning
6-1: Cry for the Weeper 6-1: Cry for the Weeper
6-2: Aesthetics of Hate 6-2: Aesthetics of Hate*
7-1: Garden of Forking Paths 7-1: Garden of Forking Paths
7-2: Light Up the Night 7-2: Light Up the Night
7-3: No Sound, No Memory 7-3: No Sound, No Memory*
7-4: ...Like Antennas to Heaven 7-4: ...Like Antennas to Heaven
7-S: Hell Bath No Fury 7-S: Hell Bath No Fury
8-1: ???
8-2: ???
8-3: ???
8-4: ???
8-S: ???
9-1: ???
9-2: ???
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P-3: ???
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The Cyber Grind The Cyber Grind
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