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Arms are one of the main forms of combat in ULTRAKILL, secondary to the player's other weapons while serving a wide array of combat utilities. Arms can be used alongside weapons at any time, and have some specific interactions with certain weapons.

The blue arm, the Feedbacker, is a default unlock on any new game, upon first entering the tutorial. The red arm, the Knuckleblaster, is obtained in 1-4: CLAIR DE LUNE, and the green arm, the Whiplash, is obtained in 4-4: CLAIR DE SOLEIL.


The Feedbacker and Knuckleblaster arms can be used at any time by pressing the punch key. By default, they can be swapped between using an arm swap key, but the player can alternatively opt for separate keys for either arm's punch if they prefer. The Whiplash always uses a separate key from the other two arms.

When punching, the Feedbacker and Knuckleblaster increase Arm Exhaustion, a variable which determines how long until an arm can once again be punched. When this value is zero and the player is not already currently punching, the player is allowed to punch. This value decreases by 2 each second and is increased by the Exhaustion value after punching. The Exhaustion value increases when the player punches depending on the arm that was punched with. With the Feedbacker, the value will be multiplied by 0.2, added to 0.5, and then added to the exhaustion value. With the Knuckleblaster, the value will be multiplied by 0.3, added to 0.75, then added to the exhaustion value. Exhaustion decays over time at a rate of the Exhaustion value divided by two, added to 0.1, for any Exhaustion value. To find the graph of the Exhaustion decay over time, the equation y = ((C + 0.2)e - x / 2) - 0.2 can be used, where C is the starting exhaustion value.


Feedbacker Render
Feedbacker HUD Icon
Damage 1
Cooldown ~0-1 seconds (Arm Exhaustion)
Damage Modifiers
Melee Parries Parries
The Corpse of King Minos The Corpse of King Minos:

Drone Drone:

Virtue Virtue:
Terminal Info
Fast punch with decent damage.

Can parry most attacks, including shotgun shots and
Obtained in


The Feedbacker is the blue arm variant, equipped by default. The arm can punch to deal a quick jab with relatively low damage, or, with precise timing, parry certain enemy attacks as well as the many of the player's own projectiles.


When attacking, the Feedbacker performs a short, quick punch which deals 1 damage to enemies with very little knockback. On punch, the Feedbacker will add a small amount to the Arm Exhaustion cooldown between both fists as well.

The Feedbacker has the ability to pick up certain objects found in levels such as (but not limited to) Skull Key Skull Keys, Books, and Torches. Skull Keys and Torches will remain held until placed on a pedestal, and objects such as Books can be thrown at any time.

The Feedbacker's primary mechanic is the arm's ability to parry many enemy attacks and certain player projectiles with precise timing. Parries against enemy attacks are indicated by a bright screen flash and a hitstop, and have the ability to refill the player's stamina to maximum and health to full or their Hard Damage limit.

When an enemy fires a projectile such as a Hell Orb Hell Orb or Seeker Orb Seeker Orb, the projectile can be parried once it is within punching distance of the player, causing it to redirect in the direction that the player was facing when parrying, and explode on contact with any surface or enemy. Any other projectiles, such as the Insurrectionist Insurrectionist's boulder or the Swordsmachine Swordsmachine's shotgun pellets, have effects when parried dependent on the projectile's specific behaviors. Enemy projectiles have three "mercy frames" between hitting the player and damage being dealt, to provide a slight amount of leniency.

The Feedbacker can also parry enemy melee attacks. Parrying melee attacks involves punching the enemy directly within the timing of or shortly before an attack, usually indicated by a bright yellow flash which appears on the enemy. Parrying an enemy's melee attack deals varying damage depending on the enemy, with some melee parries being guaranteed instant kills. Some melee parries cancel the enemy's attack, in an action known as an interruption, while others will not cancel the attack performed.

The Feedbacker's ability to parry certain player projectiles can be used with several different weapons. Unlike enemy-based parries, player-based parries will not refill stamina and health. Player projectiles which can be parried include:

  • The Marksman Revolver Marksman Revolver's coins, which, when punched, redirect into the nearest enemy and bounce above them.
  • The Shotgun Shotgun's pellets, which are boosted in speed and deal an explosion on contact with surfaces or enemies when parried.
  • The Sawed-On Shotgun Sawed-On Shotgun's chainsaw, which can be punched when returning to the player on its tether to boost it forward again, or when detached to redirect its trajectory.
  • The Sawblade Launcher Sawblade Launcher's Sawblades, which are redirected in the trajectory aimed towards when punched and have their damage increased.
  • The Screwdriver Railcannon Screwdriver Railcannon's drill, which can be parried when embedded inside an enemy to punch it out and boost it in the direction punched, dealing its remaining damage and hit any enemies in its path.
  • The S.R.S. Cannon Rocket Launcher S.R.S. Cannon Rocket Launcher's cannonball, which can be parried to boost it quickly forward, piercing through any enemy it kills.

Some player projectiles induce both hitstop and a screen flash when parried, such as Shotgun pellets, Screwdriver drills, and S.R.S. Cannon cannonballs. Others induce hitstop but not a bright flash, such as Sawed-On Shotgun chainsaws and Sawblade Launcher sawblades. The Marksman Revolver's coins are the exception, as they induce neither.

A list of every parriable attack which can be performed by each enemy is found in the table below:

All Parriable Attacks
Enemy Parried Actions Parry Type
Filth Filth Lunging Bite MELEE
Stray Stray Hell Orb Casting INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Schism Schism Hell Orb Casting INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Soldier Soldier Hell Orb Casting INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Soldier Kick MELEE
Hell Orb Scatter PROJECTILE
The Corpse of King Minos The Corpse of King Minos Fist Punch MELEE
Open-Palm Punch
Fist Slam
Hell Orb
Sisyphean Insurrectionist Sisyphean Insurrectionist Malicious Flail INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Ferryman Ferryman Second Oar Attack MELEE
Second Kick
Explosive Overhead
Drone Drone Hell Orb PROJECTILE
Kamikaze Dive
Hell Orb Casting INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Swordsmachine Swordsmachine Three Slashes Combo MELEE
Running Slash
Roundabout Throw
Straight Throw INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Shotgun Pellets PROJECTILE
Mindflayer Mindflayer Whip MELEE
Sentry Sentry Scope Shot INTERRUPTION (Melee/Coin)
Gutterman Gutterman Shield Bash MELEE
Guttertank Guttertank Whiffed Punch MELEE
V2 V2 (Both Fights) Revolver Shot PROJECTILE
Piercer Charge Shot
Shotgun Pellets
1000-THR "Earthmover" 1000-THR "Earthmover" Giant Seeker Orb (Brain) PROJECTILE
Seeker Orb (Security System)
Hell Mortar (Security System)
Malicious Face Malicious Face Hell Orb Volley PROJECTILE
Malicious Laser INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile/Coin)
Cerberus Cerberus Apple Throw PROJECTILE
Mannequin Mannequin Seeker Orb PROJECTILE
Hideous Mass Hideous Mass Hell Mortars PROJECTILE
Harpoon MELEE
Leviathan Leviathan Hell Orb Barrage PROJECTILE
Minotaur Minotaur Bull Charge MELEE
Virtue Virtue Divine Light INTERRUPTION (Melee)
Gabriel, Judge of Hell Gabriel, Judge of Hell Spear Throw PROJECTILE
Twin Axes
Sword Toss
Formation Swords (Higher Difficulties)
Gabriel, Apostate of Hate Gabriel, Apostate of Hate Swift Strikes Finisher MELEE
Frontwards Charge
Heavy Hits
Formation Swords PROJECTILE
Sword Toss
Very Cancerous Rodent Very Cancerous Rodent Explosive Hell Orb PROJECTILE
Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) Seeker Orb Barrage (Fuller Auto) PROJECTILE
Hell Orb Barrage (Full Auto)
Kamikaze Dive INTERRUPTION (Melee/Projectile)
Flesh Prison Flesh Prison Seeker Orb Twirl PROJECTILE
Piercing Stare (Eye Minion) INTERRUPTION (Melee/Coin)
Malicious Beam (Mini-MalFace)
Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon Hell Mortars PROJECTILE
Minos Prime Minos Prime Seeking Snake PROJECTILE
Dropkick ("Judgement") MELEE
Fist Slam ("Thy end is now")
Sisyphus Prime Sisyphus Prime Self-Destruct ("This will hurt") INTERRUPTION (Melee)
Stardust Breaker ("DESTROY") MELEE
Sumo Combo Finisher ("You can't escape")
Sumo Clap ("BEGONE")

The Feedbacker also has the ability to break Idol Idols with its punch.



Knuckleblaster Render
Knuckleblaster HUD Icon
Damage 2.5 (Heavy Punch)
1 (Shockwave) Knuckleblaster Shockwave
Cooldown ~1-2 seconds (Arm Exhaustion)
Damage Modifiers
Explosions Knuckleblaster Shockwaves
Filth Filth:

Soldier Soldier:

Streetcleaner Streetcleaner:

Swordsmachine "Tundra" Swordsmachine "Tundra":

Malicious Face Malicious Face:
Terminal Info
Slow punch with high damage and knockback.

Hold Punch to blast shells inside the knuckles, causing
a shockwave that knocks surrounding enemies away.
Obtained in

The Knuckleblaster is the red arm variant, obtained in 1-4: CLAIR DE LUNE. It can punch to deal a heavy blow with strong knockback, and can be held down to blast the shells inside, releasing a close-range shockwave.


The Knuckleblaster arm, on attack, releases a strong, heavy punch which deals 2.5 damage on direct hit. Punches from the Knuckleblaster are slower than the Feedbacker, and add greater value to Arm Exhaustion's cooldown between both fists.

The Knuckleblaster has very high knockback, and can punch light- or medium-weight enemies far distances. If the Knuckleblaster is used to punch an enemy that can take fall damage directly downwards, it will splatter the enemy on contact with ground. If the Knuckleblaster kills a small enemy on hit, such as a Soldier Soldier, it will cause the enemy to burst into a large shower of blood.

The Knuckleblaster has the ability to pick up certain objects found in levels such as (but not limited to) Skull Key Skull Keys, Books, and Torches. Skull Keys and Torches will remain held until placed on a pedestal, and objects such as Books can be thrown at any time.

The Knuckleblaster's unique mechanic is found by holding down the punch key when attacking with the arm. When held down, the Knuckleblaster will produce a close-range shockwave shortly after punching, indicated by the arm ejecting the shells inside. The shockwave is harmless to the player, dealing 1 damage to enemies caught inside and launching any light- or medium-weight enemies a short distance in the air. After performing a shockwave, the Knuckleblaster will have briefly expended its energy and be unable to punch again for a longer period of time.

When firing the Sawed-On Shotgun Sawed-On Shotgun's chainsaw on a tether, punching it with the Knuckleblaster can cause it to break and detach from its tether, ricocheting against surfaces.

The Knuckleblaster can break the Gutterman Gutterman's shield via a direct hit or shockwave blast, and additionally has the ability to break Idol Idols with its punch or shockwave. The Knuckleblaster can also punch dying Mindflayer Mindflayers, redirecting them in the direction of the punch and causing them to explode on contact with surfaces/enemies.



Whiplash Render
Whiplash HUD Icon
Damage 0.2
Cooldown N/A
Damage Modifiers
Stalker Stalker:
Terminal Info
A winch with a spear.
Hold to throw, release to pull.

Can pull light enemies and items, will get pulled to
heavy enemies and Hookpoints.
Obtained in

The Whiplash is the green arm variant, first obtained in 4-4: CLAIR DE SOLEIL. It can be fired to release a grappling hook which can latch onto enemies and either pull them towards the player or pull the player towards them, depending on their weight.


On fire, the Whiplash releases a spear on a winch which flies directly outward in a distance from the player. The attack can be held down to extend the spear outward further, and begins to reel back once it reaches maximum possible range, hits a surface, or is released. If the Whiplash intersects with a possible target for the spear to attach to, it will stop and stick to the target until the arm is released.

The Whiplash can target enemies and Hookpoint Hookpoints with its spear, latching onto them and pulling on release. When latching onto enemies, the Whiplash will deal 0.2 damage and pull back. Light-weight enemies such as Stray Strays and Schism Schisms will be pulled towards the player on release, while medium- and heavy-weight enemies such as Mannequin Mannequins, Malicious Face Malicious Faces and Sentries Sentries will pull the player towards them.

When latching onto Hookpoints, the player will be receive unique effects depending on the type of hookpoint. Green Hookpoints will pull the player towards them, releasing upon contact with the hookpoint. Blue Hookpoints will pull the player towards them, launching them past the hookpoint in whatever direction they were pulled towards. Yellow Hookpoints will not pull the player towards them, but will very briefly suspend the player in midair, deactivate the hookpoint, and activate an object or trigger that is connected to it. After a short time, the hookpoint will reactivate and whatever object/trigger that was activated by it will deactivate.

While mid-reel towards a medium/heavy-weight enemy or a hookpoint, the player has the ability to dash and slam while reeling, and can cancel the Whiplash's reel at any time by jumping, punching with the Feedbacker or Knuckleblaster, or pressing the Whiplash key a second time. Punching or using the Whiplash to cancel will preserve the momentum of the player, while jumping will not.

The Whiplash has the ability to pick up certain objects found in levels such as (but not limited to) Skull Key Skull Keys, Books, and Torches by latching onto them with its spear. However, unlike the Feedbacker and Knuckleblaster, the Whiplash does not hold said objects and they can only be held if either of the other arms are equipped.

On difficulties Standard and above, when reeling in towards enemies, the Whiplash will gradually replace any empty health in the player's healthbar with Hard Damage at a rate of 60/sec, temporarily reducing the player's maximum health. The amount of Hard Damage which can be gained via Whiplash is up to 50. Hard Damage produced by the Whiplash will gradually deplete after a short time, depleting faster if the player has a higher style rank, and not appearing whatsoever if the player is at the highest possible style rank ("ULTRAKILL" style rank). Underwater, Hard Damage does not appear when using the Whiplash.

The Whiplash can reel certain projectiles, including player- or enemy-fired rockets and coins. When a rocket comes into contact with the spear of the Whiplash, it will be carried along the path of the spear as it travels, exploding harmlessly on contact with surfaces and creating a damaging explosion on contact with enemies or the player. When the Whiplash's spear touches a coin, it will bounce the coin in the air, allowing it to stay perpetually suspended.



Advanced Techniques





Style Bonuses

Name Points Description
+ BIG FISTKILL 150 Kill any big enemy or boss by punching them.
+ PROJECTILE BOOST 90 Parry a Shotgun pellet into an enemy. Does not include Swordsmachine Swordsmachine's or V2 V2's shotguns Shotguns.
+ RE-NO-NO 60 Kill any enemy with the Sawed-On Shotgun Sawed-On Shotgun's chainsaw after firing it while it's still attached and parrying it with the Feedbacker at least once.
+ UNCHAINEDSAW 80 Kill any enemy with the Sawed-On Shotgun Sawed-On Shotgun's chainsaw after detaching it with the Knuckleblaster.
+ PARRY 100 Parry any enemy attack.
+ GUARD BREAK 100 Break the shield of a Gutterman Gutterman with a punch or blast from the Knuckleblaster, any Impact Hammer Impact Hammer attack, the reflected corpse of a Mindflayer Mindflayer, or parrying a
Landmine Landmine into it.
+ STRIKE! 100 Directly hit any enemy with the Knuckleblaster-reflected corpse of a Mindflayer Mindflayer.
+ ROCKET RETURN 100 Hit an enemy with their own rocket, either by Whiplashing it, or using a Magnet Magnet.
+ SERVED 75 Parry a Landmine Landmine into an enemy.
+ LANDYOURS 150 Parry a Landmine Landmine back into the enemy who deployed it.
+ CRITICAL PUNCH 40 Kill any enemy by punching one of its weakpoints.
+ DISRESPECT 60 Hit any heavy enemy with a non-lethal punch.
+ FISTFUL OF DOLLAR 50 Punch a Coin Coin into any enemy.
+ DOWN TO SIZE 500 Parry any of The Corpse of King Minos The Corpse of King Minos's Fist Slam attacks.
+ HOMERUN 100 Whiplash a Drone Drone, Virtue Virtue, or the Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl), then quickly kill them with a punch from the Feedbacker or Knuckleblaster.
+ CANNONBOOST 50 Parry a cannonball from the S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon into an enemy before it has bounced off another enemy.
+ DUNKED 150 Parry a cannonball from the S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon into an enemy after it has bounced off another enemy.
+ CORKSCREW BLOW 60 Parry a Screwdriver Railcannon Screwdriver Railcannon drill off of an enemy.
+ GIGA DRILL BREAK 120 Kill an enemy by parrying a Screwdriver Railcannon Screwdriver Railcannon drill off of them.


Weapon Demonstrations

Concept Art

Sound Effects


  • At the Terminal, it is possible to unequip all Arms. While disarmed, the player can still interact with Terminals, but cannot interact with items nor perform any melee attacks.
    • Attempting to punch without any arms equipped will result in the following message:
      Arms can be re-equipped at the shop
  • The arms are the only weapon to receive a gold variant; other weapons formerly had placeholders for gold variants displayed at the Terminal, which were replaced with buttons to access weapon info and color customizations.
    • The number of variations was cut down from four to three to avoid obsolescence in the arsenal caused by design overlap. Additionally, the problem of cycling between four variants on the same weapon slot is circumvented.
  • The name of the Feedbacker arm is a reference to the album Boris at Last -Feedbacker- (Or simply "Feedbacker") released in 2003 by Japanese drone metal band Boris.
  • When an enemy's health is multiplied with a Spawner Arm Spawner Arm or other methods, instakill parry conditions still apply. For some enemies like Sentries Sentries, the parry damage is increased instead.
  • The inspiration for the function and the name of the Knuckleblaster was the manga Blaster Knuckle, in which the main character uses a gauntlet with four gun barrels mounted on top.
  • The Whiplash originally did not generate hard damage on difficulties Standard or above. The feature was added to address the fact that people were using it simply as a healing tool, employing a risk factor into short-sightedly spamming the Whiplash for easy close-range heals.
  • The Whiplash is named after the Metallica song of the same name.
  • Rather than traditional terrain-based grappling hooks, the Whiplash's function is inspired by Nero's Snatch and Hell Bound skills in the Devil May Cry series, including the behavior difference between light and heavy enemies and the use of specific environmental grapple points for level traversal.

Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter