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Icon silvernail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.205 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon silver.png)
Cooldown 0.04s (Firerate)
0.2 (x100) (Ammo)
Icon magnet.png Alternate Fire
Duration 12s (x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon magnet.png)
Cooldown 0.35s
Damage Modifiers
Filth Filth:

Stray Stray:

Schism Schism:

Soldier Soldier:

Stalker Stalker:

Malicious Face Malicious Face:

Gabriel Gabriel/ ­ ­:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.
Obtained in
Icon nail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png)
Cooldown 0.04 - 0.08s
Icon overheatnail.png Alternate Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon fire.png)
Duration 0 - 1s
Cooldown 8s
Damage Modifiers
Malicious Face Malicious Face:

Gabriel Gabriel/ ­ ­:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl):
Terminal Info
Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop
Icon nail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png)
Cooldown 0.04s | 0.0625s
Icon jumpstartcable.png Alternate Fire
Damage 10 + 0.5 * h (Icon projectile.png, Icon electric.png)
Duration 5s
Cooldown 5s
Damage Modifiers
Malicious Face Malicious Face:

Gabriel Gabriel/ ­ ­:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl):
Terminal Info
Press Alt Fire to attach a cable that slowly charges a powerful electric shock.

Attached cables persist when switching weapons.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop


The Nailgun is the third base weapon in ULTRAKILL, found laid down next to a bush in either 1-1: HEART OF THE SUNRISE or 1-2: THE BURNING WORLD if the player did not pick it up in the prior level. The blue Attractor variant is acquired as the first variant of the weapon when it is picked up, while the green variant, the Overheat and the red variant, the JumpStart, can be purchased in the Terminal Shop for 25,000P and 35,000P respectively. It fires nails at a rapid pace in a spread, with its variants allowing it to launch magnets to pull in projectiles or fire a massive burst of flaming nails.

It features a large handle connecting to a large frame with two drums and gun barrels attached along with an underbarrel attachment. A display on the frame shows variant-related information, with an ammo and magnet count for the Attractor, a meter displaying current weapon heat along with two extra meters showing heatsink cooldowns for the Overheat, and one gauge showing distance between the player and their cable or potential targets plus an extra gauge showing the time remaining to trigger the shock for the Jumpstart, or a timer if the cable is on cooldown.


Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.

- Terminal Summary

Primary Fire

The Attractor Nailgun's primary fire launches small Icon silvernail.png silver nails in a tighter spread that deal 0.205 damage each, have additional advantageous damage modifiers against non-Supreme husks, and embed themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

However, it possesses a hard ammo cap of 100, with each nail regenerating rapidly over time while the gun is not being fired. Each nail fired will fully heat up all Nailgun variants, indicated by the orange glow being emitted from the barrels of the weapon.

Nails and viable targets embedded with them are magnetic to the Attractor's magnets, causing them to be pulled towards the magnets when they're in range.

When an enemy with nails or magnets embedded in them receives a powerful electric shock via the JumpStart's electric cable, the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, or a lightning strike from the Ferryman Ferryman or the environment in 5-2 and 5-4, a conductive reaction will be triggered, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail or 1 damage for each magnet embedded in the enemy for up to a maximum of 6 damage in total, granting the +CONDUCTOR style bonus. This will cause every nail on the target to explode and reduce any attached magnet's durability by one.

The conductive reaction will also chain to nearby enemies, dealing 2-6 damage to them based on how many nails or magnets were embedded in the original target and triggering further conductive effects if any of the affected enemies were also embedded with nails and or magnets. In addition, the conductive reaction can also chain to certain conductive objects, including Icon magnet.png magnets, Icon hitscanparry.png coins, Icon shotgunsaw.png chainsaws, and Icon rocket.png rockets. When this occurs, the conductive object will repeat the conductive reaction at its location with increased damage.

Alternate Fire

The Attractor Nailgun's alternate fire holds and launches up to three Icon magnet.png magnet projectiles that will pull in all nails, Icon saw.png sawblades, Icon shotgunsaw.png chainsaws, and Icon rocket.png rockets towards them. Upon making contact with surfaces or enemies, magnets will embed themselves into them. Magnets can fly for up to five seconds before expiring, though once they successfully embedded in a target, they will remain in place for twelve seconds before expiring. Magnets will expire early when shot by hitscan.

Magnets exert a pulling force on all nails, Icon saw.png sawblades, and Icon shotgunsaw.png chainsaws that enter their range, with nails and tethered chainsaws being pulled directly towards the magnet itself while sawblades and chainsaws (when disconnected from the tether) will orbit around the magnet in a horizontal ring. Sawblades have a wide orbit, while detached chainsaws circle much closer to the magnet. However, magnets each can only pull up to a certain amount of nails and saws at once before they break. Magnets have a weight capacity equivalent 75 nails before exploding prematurely. Icon saw.png Regular sawblades have a weight equivalent to 2.5 nails, Icon silversaw.png silver sawblades weigh 5 nails, while Icon overheatsaw.png heated sawblades and chainsaws weigh 15 nails worth. When multiple magnets are present near one another, they will all exert their own magnetic force on attractable objects and can combine their weight capacity. When enemies are killed by nails or saws being affected by a magnet's pull, the player will receive the +ATTRAPTOR style bonus, or +BIPOLAR if they are being pulled by two or more magnets at the same time. These bonuses are not granted when killing enemies with a magnet attached to them.

When a magnet expires, all of the nails and sawblades being held by it will be launched outwards. Nails in particular will become part of a 'nailbomb' after the expiration, where each enemy can only be damaged by one of the nails, but each nail has its damage multiplied by the amount of nails in the nailbomb divided by two. Individual nails are considered to be removed from the nailbomb and no longer count in the nailbomb damage formula after they come into contact with an enemy, gibs/corpses, and any part of the environment.

The +NAILBOMBED style bonus and its gray +NAILBOMBED variant is granted by killing and hitting an enemy with a nail that has escaped the pull of a magnet respectively. Note that the style bonuses are not exclusive to the actual nailbomb mechanic; the nailbomb requires the magnet holding the nails to expire in order to occur whereas the bonuses can also occur in situations where the nails are able to fly fast enough that the magnet isn't able to properly the pull nails back in.

Rockets from the player only lock on to magnets attached to enemies, while rockets fired by the Guttertank Guttertank will only lock-on after being frozen once by the Freezeframe Rocket Launcher Freezeframe Rocket Launcher.

Magnets have three durability. Durability is consumed when a rocket hits an enemy with magnets attached to them (consuming one durability on normal explosions and two on red explosions from Freezecharging/airshots), or when the magnet is utilized in a conductive reaction (consuming one durability per conduction). A magnet is destroyed when it reaches 0 or less durability from the aforementioned methods.

Certain enemies with nails embedded inside of them can be forcefully pulled by magnets, including all light and medium enemies (excluding bosses and Virtues Virtues), and Guttermen Guttermen. Grounded enemies have to be pushed into the air in order to be affected by the pulling effect. The more nails are embedded in the enemy, the more powerful the pulling effect is. If enemies take fatal fall damage as they are being pulled by magnets, the +CATAPULTED style bonus will be granted.

Stalkers Stalkers will have their sand explosion's radius reduced for each magnet embedded in them. In 5-2: WAVES OF THE STARLESS SEA and 5-4: LEVIATHAN, attaching magnets to an enemy will increase the chances of them being struck by a lightning bolt.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Techniques
Magnet Missile
By breaking an active magnet nearby that is currently holding nails and or sawblades and then firing a new magnet at the same time, the fired magnet will pick up all of the projectiles being held by the last magnet and carry it along its flight trajectory. This can be used to deliver magnet-based traps prepared beforehand into position to strike enemies if they do not spawn close enough to any available surfaces.

Enemies vulnerable to being pulled by magnets can have their velocity massively accelerated as they travel to the magnet. This can be used to instantly kill enemies that are able to die from fall damage by accelerating them to terminal velocity without requiring much vertical force. Efficiency of this technique can be increased by embedding more nails in the targets or using more magnets.

While certain magnet setups can allow for multiple separate catapults, the most simple and consistent method is to launch the nailed targets up into the air or force them off a ledge before directly firing magnets into the ground. Named after the style bonus granted by killing enemies with this method.

Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.

- Terminal Summary

Primary Fire

The Overheat Nailgun's primary fire launches small Icon nail.png nails in a wider spread that deal 0.185 damage each and embed themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

However, it will begin to slow in firing speed as heat builds up, eventually slowing down to half of the original firerate. Each nail fired will gradually heat up all Nailgun variants, as indicated by the orange glow being emitted from the barrels of the weapon.

Nails and viable targets embedded with them are magnetic to the Attractor's magnets, causing them to be pulled towards the magnets when they're in range.

When an enemy with nails or magnets embedded in them receives a powerful electric shock via the JumpStart's electric cable, the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, or a lightning strike from the Ferryman Ferryman or the environment in 5-2 and 5-4, a conductive reaction will be triggered, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail or 1 damage for each magnet embedded in the enemy for up to a maximum of 6 damage in total, granting the +CONDUCTOR style bonus. This will cause every nail on the target to explode and reduce any attached magnet's durability by one.

The conductive reaction will also chain to nearby enemies, dealing 2-6 damage to them based on how many nails or magnets were embedded in the original target and triggering further conductive effects if any of the affected enemies were also embedded with nails and or magnets. In addition, the conductive reaction can also chain to certain conductive objects, including Icon magnet.png magnets, Icon hitscanparry.png coins, Icon shotgunsaw.png chainsaws, and Icon rocket.png rockets. When this occurs, the conductive object will repeat the conductive reaction at its location with increased damage.

Alternate Fire

The Overheat Nailgun's alternate fire holds up to two heatsinks. When the Nailgun reaches a sufficient amount of heat, using the alternate fire will consume one heatsink and begin unleashing a volley of Icon overheatnail.png hot nails at an extreme rate of fire with a very wide spread that can set flammable enemies on fire, rapidly draining the heat from the Overheat Nailgun. When the gun completely runs out of heat, the volley will cease. Use of the primary fire is disabled during the heatsink burst.

Each heatsink takes eight seconds to recharge and the recharge is paused while the primary fire is being used. When there are no heatsinks available, the primary fire of the Overheat will take a massive penalty to its firerate and heat will not be able to be raised.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Techniques
Overheat Storage
Switching weapons during the heatsink burst will pause and allow the heatsinking state of the Overheat Nailgun to be stored, even when the Nailgun fully cools and runs out of heat, until it is switched back to. By reheating it using fire from a different Nailgun variant, the burst can continue firing using the now refilled heat meter. This can be chained indefinitely so long as the Overheat Nailgun is not held out long enough for the heat meter to be fully drained, and has the additional benefit of allowing the consumed heatsink to recharge as the primary fire of the Overheat is not used at all during the process.

This technique cannot be used while having no heatsinks available, as lacking heatsinks will also disable the ability to heat the Overheat Nailgun, even when firing from other variants.

Press Alt Fire to attach a cable that slowly charges a powerful electric shock.

Attached cables persist when switching weapons.

- Terminal Summary

Primary Fire

The JumpStart Nailgun's primary fire launches small Icon nail.png nails in a tighter spread that deal 0.185 damage each, and embed themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

However, it fires at a low speed while unpowered, requiring the alternate fire cable to be active to reach its full firerate. Each nail fired will fully heat all Nailgun variants while the alternate fire cable is active and set the heat to 1/3rd of the maximum if not, indicated by the orange glow being emitted from the barrels of the weapon.

Nails and viable targets embedded with them are magnetic to the Attractor's magnets, causing them to be pulled towards the magnets when they're in range.

When an enemy with nails or magnets embedded in them receives a powerful electric shock via the JumpStart's electric cable, the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, or a lightning strike from the Ferryman Ferryman or the environment, a conductive reaction will be triggered, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail or 1 damage for each magnet embedded in the enemy for up to a maximum of 6 damage in total, granting the +CONDUCTOR style bonus. This will cause every nail on the target to explode and reduce any attached magnet's durability by one.

The conductive reaction will also chain to nearby enemies, dealing 2-6 damage to them based on how many nails or magnets were embedded in the original target and triggering further conductive effects if any of the affected enemies were also embedded with nails and or magnets. In addition, the conductive reaction can also chain to certain conductive objects, including Icon magnet.png magnets, Icon hitscanparry.png coins, Icon shotgunsaw.png chainsaws, and Icon rocket.png rockets. When this occurs, the conductive object will repeat the conductive reaction at its location with increased damage.

Alternate Fire

The JumpStart Nailgun's alternate fire launches forward an Icon jumpstartcable.png electrical cable that is affected by physics and connected to the player. Even while the cable has already been launched, using the alternate fire again will refire the cable, destroying the previous one. When striking terrain, the cable will break. However, on contact with an enemy, the cable will attach itself to them and become active, charging up a shock in the enemy over a 5 second timer, indicated on the display of the weapon. While the cable is active, the primary fire of the JumpStart will receive a substantial boost to its firerate.

Once the five second timer expires or the enemy the cable is attached to dies, the enemy the cable is attached to will receive a powerful 10 damage shock, and a conductive reaction will be triggered if nails or Icon magnet.png magnets are embedded in the target. After this, the alternate fire will enter a 5 second cooldown before it can be reused.

The timer can be accelerated by striking the enemy the cable is attached to with single-hit sawblades Sawblades, with each hit reducing the timer by 0.5 seconds and additionally adding an extra 0.5 damage to the final 10 damage shock.

The cable, while attached to an enemy, has a range limit of 20 units, compared to the 15 units limit that an unattached cable can stretch to. If the distance between the player and the enemy the cable is connected to exceeds the range limit, or is obstructed by terrain, the JumpStart will start beeping loudly and warning indicators will appear on its display. If either the distance isn't closed in a second, or the obstruction between the player and the enemy isn't removed in half a second, the cable will snap, cancelling the shock. This does not put the alternate fire on cooldown, and the cable can still be refired.

If the cable fires its shock while the target is submerged in water, all enemies in the same body of water will take 2 damage and a conductive reaction will be triggered for each of them, with all enemies, even enemies lacking nails being treated as having an extra 1 damage's worth of conductive power. The player will also take 50 hard damage if they are in the same body of water as this occurs.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Techniques

Recursive Conduction


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Strategy

The Nailgun's high raw damage output and somewhat controlled spread means that it can provide high sustained DPS even outside of close-range. This is helped by its advantageous damage modifiers against enemies such as Malicious Faces Malicious Faces or Virtues Virtues, which can both fly and are more difficult to reach without mobility tools like the Whiplash Whiplash.

Despite its automatic nature, the Nailgun, just like the other weapons, can be used well in bursts in-between swapping to other weapons in situations like closing in gaps or picking off low health enemies where mid-ranged explosives like Projectile Boosts and rockets would deal self-damage while trying to approach or have to face against possible explosive resistances. Using the Nailgun economically alongside other weapons can also help overcome the firing restrictions that come with both variants, such as ammo and heat.

Nails have limited piercing power, only being able to hit a single enemy or even gibs before getting lodged in them. This makes it a suboptimal option for crowd control outside of extremely low health enemies like Filth Filth. Despite that, silver nails, with their damage bonuses against fodder husks, are well suited to eliminating clumps of such enemies.

Attaching a magnet onto an enemy with the Attractor Nailgun before unloading nails on them is easy and can help improve the accuracy of one's nails thanks to the homing effect. However, the limited pulling range and tendency to overshoot out of that range when pulling nails flying at high speeds prevent magnets from extending the Nailgun's effective range by much, making them mainly serve to reduce spread in ranges where the weapon is already viable and only near-misses occur.

Setting up traps with the Attractor variant's magnets can be useful for many different purposes such as dealing a high burst of damage right at the start of an encounter, maximizing nail damage output against grounded enemies with fast and predictable movement by directing them towards the traps, or to gain high levels of style by wiping out large swarms of fodder enemies and gaining the plethora of style bonuses associated such as +ATTRAPTOR and +BIPOLAR.

Catapulting enemies can be useful both for generating style when used against large waves of enemies as +CATAPULTED is not affected by weapon freshness, and for eliminating tougher targets like Guttermen Guttermen quickly. Caution should be taken so as to not accidentally kill a target with one's nails before they can be catapulted when looking for the style bonus, or to watch out for certain enemy behaviors such as the Streetcleaner Streetcleaner's dodge, or the Mannequin Mannequin's knockback resistance. Catapulting enemies with more destructive effects on death like Guttermen Guttermen or Streetcleaners Streetcleaners into other enemies can be provide even more style from +FRIENDLY FIRE.

A full heatsink burst from the Overheat variant is useful as a finisher, providing a quick burst of high damage that can kill or remove a large chunk of health from most non-boss enemies, with the large spew of hot nails having the additional benefit of lighting any husks that survive on fire and making them more vulnerable to attacks on other weapons and embedding more than enough nails for a powerful conductor effect from the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon.

Heatsink bursts can also be quickly fired off by hotswapping with the Attractor's primary fire to heat the barrel without the need to even charge up the meter, though some extra nails should be fired after switching back as the Overheat will cool back down somewhat during the time it takes to switch.

Overheat Storage is one of the best sources of sustained damage in the player's arsenal and generally the main method of firing nails once learned, being able to be used effectively infinitely as long as one does not fire too many nails from the Attractor during each swap. Do keep in mind that the actual DPS of this tech is considerably lower than that of a full heatsink burst as a result of swap times, and that it requires committing very heavily to staying on the Nailgun to get results.

While Overheat Storage still does outstrip the Attractor Nailgun's damage output, the latter's far superior accuracy and lack of required setup means that it can still work better than the former in situations where precision or just an immediate, low commitment barrage of nails is needed.

Color Customization

Each unlockable preset is reproducible one-to-one with custom colors; their corresponding color codes are also in the table below.

Name Soul Orbs Color Code
Model Nailgun1 1.png
0 N/A
Model Nailgun1 2.png
10 R: 0.60
G: 0.60
B: 0.60
R: 0.60
G: 0.60
B: 0.60
R: 0.33
G: 1.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 3.png
25 R: 0.12
G: 0.48
B: 1.00
R: 0.12
G: 0.48
B: 1.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 4.png
50 R: 1.00
G: 1.00
B: 1.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 5.png
100 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.50
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.50
G: 0.00
B: 0.00




  • Nails can collide with certain player-fired projectiles like coins, cores, and rockets, pushing them. Nails can still deal damage to enemies after this collision. Magnets can also interact with cores and rockets, though will detonate them on contact instead. Freezecharged rockets struck by magnets will not create a red explosion.

Update History


Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter

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Editing this page.
Icon silversaw.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.75 (Icon projectile.png, Icon saw.png, Icon silver.png)
Cooldown ???s (Firerate)
2s (x10) (Ammo)
Icon magnet.png Alternate Fire
Duration 12s (x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon magnet.png)
Cooldown 0.35s
Damage Modifiers
Filth Filth:

Stray Stray:

Schism Schism:

Soldier Soldier:

Stalker Stalker:
Terminal Info
Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.
Obtained in
Icon saw.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.6 (Icon projectile.png, Icon saw.png)
Cooldown 0.25s - 0.5s
Icon overheatsaw.png Alternate Fire
Damage 1 (x1 - x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon saw.png, Icon fire.png)
Cooldown 8s
Damage Modifiers
Icon fire.png Fire
Schism Schism:

Insurrectionist Insurrectionist:
Terminal Info
Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop


The Sawblade Launcher is the alternate version of the Nailgun and the second alternate weapon acquired in ULTRAKILL. It can be found laid down on a table in the tomb of Sisyphus, hidden within 4-4: CLAIR DE SOLEIL. The blue Attractor variant is acquired as the first variant of the weapon when it is picked up, while the green variant, the Overheat and the red variant, the JumpStart, can be purchased in the Terminal Shop for 25,000P and 35,000P respectively. It fires sawblades at a rapid pace, with its variants allowing it to launch magnets to pull in projectiles, fire a superheated sawblade, or launch a cable that attaches to enemies to charge up an electric shock.

It features a large handle connecting to a large frame with two drums and gun barrels attached along with an underbarrel attachment. A display on the frame shows variant-related information, with an ammo and magnet count for the Attractor, and a meter displaying current weapon heat along with two extra meters showing heatsink cooldowns for the Overheat.


Attractor Nailgun
Attractor Nailgun
Icon silvernail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.205 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon silver.png)
Cooldown 0.04s (Firerate)
0.2 (x100) (Ammo)
Icon magnet.png Alternate Fire
Duration 12s (x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon magnet.png)
Cooldown 0.35s
Damage Modifiers
Filth Filth:

Stray Stray:

Schism Schism:

Soldier Soldier:

Stalker Stalker:

Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.
Obtained in

Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.

- Terminal Summary

Primary Fire

The Attractor Nailgun's primary fire launches small Icon silvernail.png silver nails in a tighter spread that deal 0.205 damage each, have additional advantageous damage modifiers against weaker husks, and embed themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

However, it possesses a hard ammo cap of 100, with each nail regenerating rapidly over time while the gun is not being fired. Each nail fired will fully heat up all Nailgun variants, indicated by the orange glow being emitted from the barrels of the weapon.

Targets with nails embedded in them become more magnetic to the Attractor's magnets and have their nails explode when shot with the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail that are embedded in them up to a maximum of 6 damage at 90 nails while granting you the +CONDUCTOR style bonus.

Alternate Fire

The Attractor Nailgun's alternate fire holds and launches up to three Icon magnet.png magnet projectiles that will pull in all nails, sawblades, and rockets towards them. Upon making contact with surfaces or enemies, magnets will embed themselves into them. Magnets can fly for up to five seconds before expiring, though once they successfully embedded in a target, they will remain in place for twelve seconds before expiring. Magnets will expire early when shot by hitscan.

Magnets exert a pulling force on all nails and sawblades that enter their range, with nails being pulled directly towards the magnet itself while sawblades will orbit around the magnet in a wide horizontal ring. However, magnets each can only pull up to a certain amount of nails and sawblades at once before they break. Magnets have a capacity of 75 nails before exploding prematurely. Attractor variant Sawblades take up 5 nails of space, Overheat variant sawblades take up 2.5, and Overheat charged sawblades take up 15. When multiple magnets are present, they will all exert their own magnetic force on the nails and sawblades at the same time. When enemies are killed by nails or sawblades being affected by a magnet's pull, the player will receive the +ATTRAPTOR style bonus, or +BIPOLAR if they are being pulled by two or more magnets at the same time. These bonuses are not granted when killing enemies with a magnet attached to them.

When a magnet expires, all of the nails and sawblades being held by it will be launched outwards. Nails in particular will become part of a 'nailbomb' after the expiration, where each enemy can only be damaged by one of the nails, but each nail has its damage multiplied by the amount of nails in the nailbomb divided by two. Individual nails are considered to be removed from the nailbomb and no longer count in the nailbomb damage formula after they come into contact with an enemy, gibs/corpses, and any part of the environment.

The +NAILBOMBED style bonus and its gray +NAILBOMBED variant is granted by killing and hitting an enemy with a nail that has escaped the pull of a magnet respectively. Note that the style bonuses are not exclusive to the actual nailbomb mechanic; the nailbomb requires the magnet holding the nails to expire in order to occur whereas the bonuses can also occur in situations where the nails are able to fly fast enough that the magnet isn't able to properly the pull nails back in.

Rockets will home in on magnets if they were fired after the magnets were launched, with rockets from the player additionally only locking on to magnets attached to enemies, while rockets fired by the Guttertank Guttertank will only lock-on after being frozen once by the Freezeframe Rocket Launcher Freezeframe Rocket Launcher. Magnets attached to enemies will break after they are hit three times by a rocket, though airshots and freezecharged rockets will count as two hits. Rockets can only be affected by the pull of the closest magnet to them.

Certain enemies with nails embedded inside of them can be forcefully pulled by magnets, including all light and medium enemies (excluding bosses and Virtues Virtues), and Guttermen Guttermen. Grounded enemies have to be pushed into the air in order to be affected by the pulling effect. The more nails are embedded in the enemy, the more powerful the pulling effect is. If enemies take fatal fall damage as they are being pulled by magnets, the +CATAPULTED style bonus will be granted.

Stalkers Stalkers will have their sand explosion's radius reduced for each magnet embedded in them. In 5-2: WAVES OF THE STARLESS SEA and 5-4: LEVIATHAN, attaching magnets to an enemy will increase the chances of them being struck by a lightning bolt.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Techniques
Magnet Missile
By breaking an active magnet nearby that is currently holding nails and or sawblades and then firing a new magnet at the same time, the fired magnet will pick up all of the projectiles being held by the last magnet and carry it along its flight trajectory. This can be used to deliver magnet-based traps prepared beforehand into position to strike enemies if they do not spawn close enough to any available surfaces.

Enemies vulnerable to being pulled by magnets can have their velocity massively accelerated as they travel to the magnet. This can be used to instantly kill enemies that are able to die from fall damage by accelerating them to terminal velocity without requiring much vertical force. Efficiency of this technique can be increased by embedding more nails in the targets or using more magnets.

While certain magnet setups can allow for multiple separate catapults, the most simple and consistent method is to launch the nailed targets up into the air or force them off a ledge before directly firing magnets into the ground. Named after the style bonus granted by killing enemies with this method.

Overheat Nailgun
Overheat Nailgun
Icon nail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png)
Cooldown 0.04 - 0.08s
Icon overheatnail.png Alternate Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon fire.png)
Duration 0 - 1s
Cooldown 8s
Damage Modifiers
Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop

Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.

- Terminal Summary

Primary Fire

The Overheat Nailgun's primary fire launches small Icon nail.png nails in a wider spread that deal 0.185 damage each and embed themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

However, it will begin to slow in firing speed as heat builds up, eventually slowing down to half of the original firerate. Each nail fired will gradually heat up all Nailgun variants, as indicated by the orange glow being emitted from the barrels of the weapon.

Targets with nails embedded in them become more magnetic to the Attractor's magnets and have their nails explode when shot with the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail that are embedded in them up to a maximum of 6 damage at 90 nails while granting the + CONDUCTOR style bonus.

Alternate Fire

The Overheat Nailgun's alternate fire holds up to two heatsinks. When the Nailgun reaches a sufficient amount of heat, using the alternate fire will consume one heatsink and begin unleashing a volley of Icon overheatnail.png hot nails with a very wide spread that can set flammable enemies on fire, rapidly draining the heat from the Overheat Nailgun. When the gun completely runs out of heat, the volley will cease. Use of the primary fire is disabled during the heatsink burst.

Each heatsink takes eight seconds to recharge and the recharge is paused while the primary fire is being used. When there are no heatsinks available, the primary fire of the Overheat will take a massive penalty to its firerate and heat will not be able to be raised.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Techniques
Overheat Storage
Switching weapons during the heatsink burst will completely pause both the volley and the heat drain, allowing the current heat of the Overheat Nailgun to be stored until it is switched back to. By reheating it using fire from a different Nailgun variant, the burst can continue firing using the now refilled heat meter. This can be chained indefinitely so long as the Overheat Nailgun is not held out long enough for the heat meter to be fully drained, and has the additional benefit of allowing the consumed heatsink to recharge as the primary fire of the Overheat is not used at all during the process.

This technique will not work if the last heatsink is used for the process, as having no heatsinks available will also disable the ability to heat the Overheat Nailgun, even when firing from other variants.


See also: Nailgun/Advanced#Strategy

The Nailgun's high raw damage output and somewhat controlled spread means that it can provide high sustained DPS even outside of close-range. This is helped by its advantageous damage modifiers against enemies such as Malicious Faces Malicious Faces or Virtues Virtues, which can both fly and are more difficult to reach without mobility tools like the Whiplash Whiplash.

Despite its automatic nature, the Nailgun, just like the other weapons, can be used well in bursts in-between swapping to other weapons in situations like closing in gaps or picking off low health enemies where mid-ranged explosives like Projectile Boosts and rockets would deal self-damage while trying to approach or have to face against possible explosive resistances. Using the Nailgun economically alongside other weapons can also help overcome the firing restrictions that come with both variants, such as ammo and heat.

Nails have limited piercing power, only being able to hit a single enemy or even gibs before getting lodged in them. This makes it a suboptimal option for crowd control outside of extremely low health enemies like Filth Filth. Despite that, silver nails, with their damage bonuses against fodder husks, are well suited to eliminating clumps of such enemies.

Attaching a magnet onto an enemy with the Attractor Nailgun before unloading nails on them is easy and can help improve the accuracy of one's nails thanks to the homing effect. However, the limited pulling range and tendency to overshoot out of that range when pulling nails flying at high speeds prevent magnets from extending the Nailgun's effective range by much, making them mainly serve to reduce spread in ranges where the weapon is already viable and only near-misses occur.

Setting up traps with the Attractor variant's magnets can be useful for many different purposes such as dealing a high burst of damage right at the start of an encounter, maximizing nail damage output against grounded enemies with fast and predictable movement by directing them towards the traps, or to gain high levels of style by wiping out large swarms of fodder enemies and gaining the plethora of style bonuses associated such as +ATTRAPTOR and +BIPOLAR.

Catapulting enemies can be useful both for generating style when used against large waves of enemies as +CATAPULTED is not affected by weapon freshness, and for eliminating tougher targets like Guttermen Guttermen quickly. Caution should be taken so as to not accidentally kill a target with one's nails before they can be catapulted when looking for the style bonus, or to watch out for certain enemy behaviors such as the Streetcleaner Streetcleaner's dodge, or the Mannequin Mannequin's knockback resistance. Catapulting enemies with more destructive effects on death like Guttermen Guttermen or Streetcleaners Streetcleaners into other enemies can be provide even more style from +FRIENDLY FIRE.

A full heatsink burst from the Overheat variant is useful as a finisher, providing a quick burst of high damage that can kill or remove a large chunk of health from most non-boss enemies, with the large spew of hot nails having the additional benefit of lighting any husks that survive on fire and making them more vulnerable to attacks on other weapons and embedding more than enough nails for a powerful conductor effect from the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon.

Heatsink bursts can also be quickly fired off by hotswapping with the Attractor's primary fire to heat the barrel without the need to even charge up the meter, though some extra nails should be fired after switching back as the Overheat will cool back down somewhat during the time it takes to switch.

Overheat Storage is one of the best sources of sustained damage in the player's arsenal and generally the main method of firing nails once learned, being able to be used effectively infinitely as long as one does not fire too many nails from the Attractor during each swap. Do keep in mind that the actual DPS of this tech is considerably lower than that of a full heatsink burst as a result of swap times, and that it requires committing very heavily to staying on the Nailgun to get results.

While Overheat Storage still does outstrip the Attractor Nailgun's damage output, the latter's far superior accuracy and lack of required setup means that it can still work better than the former in situations where precision or just an immediate, low commitment barrage of nails is needed.

Color Customization

Each unlockable preset is reproducible one-to-one with custom colors; their corresponding color codes are also in the table below.

Name Soul Orbs Color Code
Model Nailgun1 1.png
0 N/A
Model Nailgun1 2.png
10 R: 0.60
G: 0.60
B: 0.60
R: 0.60
G: 0.60
B: 0.60
R: 0.33
G: 1.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 3.png
25 R: 0.12
G: 0.48
B: 1.00
R: 0.12
G: 0.48
B: 1.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 4.png
50 R: 1.00
G: 1.00
B: 1.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
Model Nailgun1 5.png
100 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.50
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.50
G: 0.00
B: 0.00




  • Nails can collide with certain player-fired projectiles like coins, cores, and rockets, pushing them. Nails can still deal damage to enemies after this collision. Magnets can also interact with cores and rockets, though will detonate them on contact instead. Freezecharged rockets struck by magnets will not create a red explosion.

Update History


Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter

alt design

Icon silvernail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.205 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon silver.png)
Cooldown 0.04s (Firerate)
0.2 (x100) (Ammo)
Icon magnet.png Alternate Fire
Duration 12s (x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon magnet.png)
Cooldown 0.35s
Damage Modifiers
Filth Filth:

Stray Stray:

Schism Schism:

Soldier Soldier:

Stalker Stalker:

Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.
Obtained in
Icon nail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png)
Cooldown 0.04 - 0.08s
Icon overheatnail.png Alternate Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon fire.png)
Duration 0 - 1s
Cooldown 8s
Damage Modifiers
Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop


The Nailgun is the third base weapon in ULTRAKILL, found laid down next to a bush in either 1-1: HEART OF THE SUNRISE or 1-2: THE BURNING WORLD if the player did not pick it up in the prior level. The blue Attractor variant is acquired as the first variant of the weapon when it is picked up, while the green variant, the Overheat can be purchased in the Terminal Shop for 25,000P. It fires nails at a rapid pace in a spread, with its variants allowing it to launch magnets to pull in projectiles or fire a massive burst of flaming nails.


Primary Fire

Its primary fire launches small low-damage nail projectiles repeatedly at a high rate of fire in a spread, embedding themselves in enemies or gibs on hit.

The Attractor variant launches silver nails that deal increased damage and have additional advantageous damage modifiers against weaker husks in comparison to the Overheat's regular nails. The Attractor's nails are also fired in a tighter spread compared to the Overheat.

The Nailgun comes with ammo restrictions that prevent it from being constantly fired at maximum efficiency that varies between each variant. The Attractor has a hard ammo cap of 100, with each nail regenerating rapidly over time. The Overheat has no hard limit on how many nails can be fired, though the higher the Nailgun's heat is, the slower it will fire, down to half of the original firerate.

Firing nails builds up heat in the Nailgun, shared between both variants, as indicated by the orange glow the barrels emit as they fire. While nails fired by the Overheat build up heat gradually, a single nail fired by the Attractor will fully heat the barrel in an instant.

Targets with nails embedded in them become more magnetic to the Attractor's magnets and have their nails explode when shot with the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon, dealing an extra 0.0(6) damage for each nail that are embedded in them up to a maximum of 6 damage at 90 nails while granting you the + CONDUCTOR style bonus.

Alternate Fire

Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.

- Terminal Summary

The Attractor Nailgun's alternate fire holds and launches up to three magnet projectiles that embed in surfaces or enemies on contact, causing all nails, sawblades, and rockets (if attached to an enemy) to be pulled towards the magnet(s).

the fart gun it makes loud fart when you use alt-fire!!!!!!! use wisely... (ill finish this later)


Light enemies can be magnetized into the ground, often killing them from fall damage, similar to SPLATTERED style bonus. This can be done through shooting them first and then using the shockwave from a slam or Rocket Launcher to launch them into the air and fire a magnet at the ground. If the victim is a Streetcleaner then it will explode.


The Nailgun's high raw damage output and somewhat controlled spread means that it can provide high sustained DPS in prolonged engagements against tankier enemies from most distances. This is helped by its advantageous damage modifiers against enemies such as Malicious Faces Malicious Faces or Virtues Virtues that can fly and are more difficult to reach without mobility tools like the Whiplash Whiplash.

While ammo or heat can be drained or built up quickly if used for too prolonged of a period, swapping to other weapons consistently in-between bursts of fire can mitigate these limits by giving it downtime to recover.

Nails have limited piercing power, only being able to hit a single enemy or even gibs before getting lodged in them. This makes it a suboptimal option for crowd control outside of extremely low health enemies like Filth Filth.

Despite that, silver nails, with their damage bonuses against fodder husks, are better suited to eliminating clumps of them. This is especially useful for dispatching enemies like Soldiers Soldiers or Schisms Schisms, as their explosive resistance and high health respectively make them harder to dispatch with most other crowd control options.

When embedding as many nails as possible into a tough enemy before shooting them with the Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon for the conductive bonus, it is recommended to embed the nails before the Railcannon recharges so as to be able to immediately fire it without delay.



Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter

Primary Fire
prifire stat here primary fire damage
other stat here primary fire firerate/cooldown
Alternate Fire
altfire stat here alternate fire duration
other stat here replace this
Damage Modifiers
Terminal Info
Obtained in

Primary Fire
prifire stat here primary fire damage
other stat here primary fire firerate/cooldown
Alternate Fire
altfire stat here alternate fire duration
other stat here replace this
Damage Modifiers
Terminal Info
Obtained in
Terminal Shop


The weapon is the...


Primary Fire

Its primary fire...

Alternate Fire

TERMINAL QUOTE HERE - Terminal Summary


TERMINAL QUOTE HERE - Terminal Summary







Color Customization

Each unlockable preset is reproducible one-to-one with custom colors; their corresponding color codes are also in the table below.

Name Soul Orbs Color Code
0 N/A
10 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
25 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
50 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
100 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter

Attractor Nailgun
Attractor Nailgun
Icon silvernail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.205 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon silver.png)
Cooldown 0.04s (Firerate)
0.2 (x100) (Ammo)
Icon magnet.png Alternate Fire
Duration 12s (x3) (Icon projectile.png, Icon magnet.png)
Cooldown 0.35s
Damage Modifiers
Filth Filth:

Stray Stray:

Schism Schism:

Soldier Soldier:

Stalker Stalker:

Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire to shoot a magnet that pulls all nearby nails towards it.

Magnets stick to surfaces and enemies and can be broken with hitscan weapons.
Obtained in

Overheat Nailgun
Overheat Nailgun
Icon nail.png Primary Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png)
Cooldown 0.04 - 0.08s
Icon overheatnail.png Alternate Fire
Damage 0.185 (Icon projectile.png, Icon nail.png, Icon fire.png)
Duration 0 - 1s
Cooldown 8s
Damage Modifiers
Malicious Face Malicious Face:

­ ­/ Gabriel Gabriel:

Virtue Virtue:

Flesh Prison Flesh Prison:

Flesh Panopticon Flesh Panopticon:
Terminal Info
Alt fire while shooting to overheat for a quick burst of damage at the cost of a heatsink.

Heatsinks recharge while not firing.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop



1000-THR "Earthmover"
Class Supreme Machine
Health 100
Weight Heavy (Grounded)
Rank -1
GenericRevolverHUD.pngIcon hitscanparry.png Locational Damage
Conditional Modifiers
Flammable False
Airshot True
Splatters False
Magnet Pull False
Radiance Multipliers
Health 1.5x
Damage 1.5x
Speed 1.5x

fuck fuck fuck shit dicks ass fuck shit