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This is a glossary of terms that we use and refer to frequently while making comparisons and further explaining information easily for writers and readers alike.
Keep in mind, most of these are community terms.


Common Enemies Bosses
Sisyphean Insurrectionist.png Sisyphean Insurrectionist
  • Insurrectionist
  • Insurr
The Corpse of King Minos.png The Corpse of King Minos
  • TCoKM
  • Corpse Minos
  • Corpse King
Swordsmachine.png Swordsmachine
  • SM
Centaur.png 1000-THR "Earthmover"
  • Earthmover
  • Centaur
  • Benjamin
Mindflayer.png Mindflayer
  • MiF
  • MF
  • Flayer
Leviathan.png Leviathan
  • Levi
Sentry.png Sentry
  • Turret
  • Sniper
Minotaur.png Minotaur
  • Mino
  • Bull
Malicious Face.png Malicious Face
  • Maurice
  • MalFace
Gabriel, Judge of Hell.png Gabriel, The Judge of Hell
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel (JOH)
  • Gabe 1
  • Gabe
Cerberus.png Cerberus
  • Cerb
  • Andre
Gabriel, Apostate of Hate.png Gabriel, The Apostate of Hate
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel (AOH)
  • Gabe 2
  • Gabe
Hideous Mass.png Hideous Mass
  • HM
  • HiM
  • Mass
  • HiMass
Flesh Prison.png Flesh Prison
  • FP
  • Prison
Guttertank.png Guttertank
  • Tank
  • GTank
Flesh Panopticon.png Flesh Panopticon
  • FP
  • Pano
  • Panopticon
Minos Prime.png Minos Prime
  • MP
  • Minos
  • Pinos
Sisyphus Prime.png Sisyphus Prime
  • SP
  • Sisyphus
  • Pisyphus
Cancerous Rodent.png Cancerous Rodent
  • CR
  • Rat
Very Cancerous Rodent.png Very Cancerous Rodent
  • VCR
  • V. Cancerous Rodent
  • Big Rat
Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl).png Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl)
  • MDK
  • MDK (& Owl)
  • Druid Knight
  • Mandalore
BigJohnator.png Big Johninator
  • Big John
  • John
  • Johninator
  • John Ultrakill

Cyber Grind Patterns

Cybergrind Layout Names.png
Original Patterns Community Patterns
01 01
  • Skatepark
dood_brokenBridge dood_brokenBridge
  • Broken Bridge
02 02
  • Single HiM
Dood dontGetSoaked.png dood_dontGetSoaked
  • Don't Get Soaked!
03 03
  • Corner Jumps
  • Parkour
dryzalar_hall dryzalar_hall
  • Hall
04b 04b
  • Firing Squad
  • Castle
jacob_royalGuard jacob_royalGuard
  • Royal Guard
05 05
  • Castle
  • Fort
  • Big Column
jandy_catwalk jandy_catwalk
  • Catwalk
06 06
  • Double HiM
jandy_steps jandy_steps
  • Steps
07 07
  • Monument
  • Pillars
  • Jump Monument
jandy_tripleDeck jandy_tripleDeck
  • Triple Deck
08 08
  • Spires
loafing_theStage loafing_theStage
  • The Stage
  • Double Decker
09 09
  • Pits
loafing_tripleThreat loafing_tripleThreat
  • Triple Threat
10 10
  • Plateau
  • King of the Hill
notabot_sniperTowers notabot_sniperTowers
  • Sniper Tower
11 11
  • Funnel
slimer_feast slimer_feast
  • Feast
12 12
  • Jump Center
  • Sniper Towers
splendid_altMarksman splendid_altMarksman
  • Alt Marksman
13 13
  • Maze
  • Labyrinth
splendid_overlook splendid_overlook
  • Overlook
14 14
  • Grand Staircase
  • Stairway
splendid_theEntrance splendid_theEntrance
  • The Entrance
15 15
  • Funnel Towers
spruce_gravel spruce_gravel
  • Gravel
  • 2Fort
16 16
  • Balconies
  • Trenches
stuon_a14 stuon_a14
  • A14
17 17
  • Coldplay Stage
  • Coldplay
stuon_a29 stuon_a29
  • A29
18 18
  • Bridge
  • Pylons
wakan_hopper2 wakan_hopper2
  • Hopper
william_division william_division
  • Division
william_hightowerMass william_hightowerMass
  • Hightower

Level Rooms


FeedbackerHUDNew.png Feedbacker
  • FB
  • Blue Arm
KnuckleblasterHUDNew.png Knuckleblaster
  • KB
  • Red Arm
WhiplashHUDNew.png Whiplash
  • Whip
  • Grapple
  • Green Arm

SingleRevolver.png Piercer Revolver
  • Standard Piercer
  • Default Piercer
  • Blue Revolver
RevolverSpecial.png Marksman Revolver
  • Marksman
  • Green Revolver
  • Coin Revolver
RevolverSharp.png Sharpshooter Revolver
  • Sharpshooter
  • Red Revolver
Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png Core Eject Shotgun
  • CE Shotgun
  • Core Eject
  • Shotgun
  • Grenade Shotgun
  • Blue Shotgun
Shotgun1.png Pump Charge Shotgun
  • Pump Charge
  • Pump Shotgun
  • Green Shotgun
Nailgun2.png Attractor Nailgun
  • Attractor
  • Blue Nailgun
  • Magnet Nailgun
NailgunOverheat.png Overheat Nailgun
  • Overheat
  • Heatsink Nailgun
  • Green Nailgun
Railcannon.png Electric Railcannon
  • Blue Railcannon
  • Railgun
Railcannonscrew.png Screwdriver Railcannon
  • Green Railcannon
  • Screwdriver
  • Screw
  • Drill
Railcannonmalicious.png Malicious Railcannon
  • Malicious Cannon
  • Maurice Cannon
  • Malrail
Rocketlauncher.png Freezeframe Rocket Launcher
  • RL
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Freezeframe
S.R.S. Cannon.png S.R.S. Cannon
  • S.R.S
  • Cannonball Launcher
  • Cannon

RevolverAltSingle.png Alternate Piercer Revolver (Alternate Piercer)
  • Alt Piercer
  • Slab Piercer
  • Slab Revolver
RevolverAltSpecial.png Alternate Marksman Revolver (Alternate Marksman)
  • Alt Marksman
  • Slab Marksman
  • Alt Coin Revolver
RevolverAltSharp.png Alternate Sharpshooter Revolver (Alternate Sharpshooter)
  • Alt Sharpshooter
  • Slab Sharpshooter
  • Slarpshooter
ALTERNATE NAILGUNS (Sawblade Launcher)
SawbladeLauncher.png Alternate Attractor Nailgun (Attractor Sawblade Launcher)
  • Attractor Saw
  • Blue Saw
SawbladeLauncherOverheat.png Alternate Overheat Nailgun (Overheat Sawblade Launcher)
  • Overheat Saw
  • Green Saw
  • Oversaw


Techniques, or Tech as it is commonly referred to, are advanced or unintended uses of in-game resources, though Hakita often updates the game to include them intentionally, see Projectile Boosting. Tech is not mandatory to use in ULTRAKILL, but it is very helpful when aiming for high style. The tech in ULTRAKILL is extensive, with more being found regularly, with that in mind, here is a non-comprehensive list of just some of the tech in ULTRAKILL.

Technique Weapon/s Method Skill Level Alternate Names
Projectile Boosting Any Variant

Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png

By parrying your own Shotgun bullets with the Feedbacker Arm, you send the bullets flying faster while giving it explosive properties. The timing can be tricky at first, but with a little practice it becomes muscle memory. Beginner P Boosting


Shotgun Swapping Any Variant

Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png

Switch between variants of the shotgun the moment it fires, skipping reload time. This results in a much faster fire rate, increasing your damage per second considerably. Beginner Shot Swapping
Overpumpboost Shotgun1.png Boost yourself with the explosion from the green shotgun, but beware: this technique damages you. Beginner OP Boost
Shotgun Parry Any Variant

Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png

Instead of using the Feedbacker, if you're close enough to an enemy you can use the shotgun to parry instead. Note: Just because you shotgun parried doesn't mean you can't normal parry. You can use both at the same time for more damage. Beginner N/A
Triple Projectile boost Any Variant

Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png

Triple proboosting is accomplished by combining projectile boosting and shotgun swapping, allowing you to fire off three pboosted shots in succession before melee cooldown kicks in. This is a pretty hard tech to grasp if you're new, with the timing being strict, but, as with all things, practice makes perfect. Advanced Triple Proboost
No Damage Overpump Shotgun1.png By using the I-frames in your dash, you can avoid the damage from overpumping your shotgun. The timing is a bit tricky, but it's not too difficult. Moderate Overpump


Core Eject Boosting Standard Core Eject Shotgun.png By shooting a core eject, or CE as it commonly abbreviated, after a dash you can boost your dashes momentum while launching you forward. Like most movement tech, the timing can be tricky, but it shouldn't take too long to get down. Moderate CE Boost
Split Shot RevolverSpecial.png By shooting a coin when it 'shines' or 'sings' it will split your bullet into two, hitting two enemies instead of just one. A coin shines about very briefly just after throwing, and sings when it's been in the air for a while. Once a coin starts singing, it doesn't stop. This is useful when using the orbital strike tech. Moderate Split
Orbital Strike RevolverSpecial.png Orbital Strikes are actually fairly easy, all you need to do is hold your red arm until it's about to go off, then, as it does, flick a coin. This will launch the coin into orbit. Now that the coin is formally part of the ULTRAKILL space program, you only have a limited time before it despawns.

During this time, flick another coin and fire the Malicious Railcannon at it, this will deflect off the first coin, into the coin in orbit, then to whatever poor guy is the nearest to the coin in orbit. See coin priority for how this works. The Malicious Railcannon is optional, you can use whatever hitscan weapon you wish.

Moderate N/A
Railcoining RevolverSpecial.png Railcoining is an advanced technique wherein you flick a coin through an enemy, step back, throw another coin in front of the enemy, and hit the first coin with the Electric Railcannon. It is a complicated technique for newer players because it requires you to account for the coins positioning behind the enemy while you cannot see it. Still, it is very effective in harming strong enemies and bosses as the Electric Railcannon deals constant piercing damage. The coins' positioning helps extend the time the piercing damage kicks in, culminating in the shot being redirected toward the opponent's weakspot (usually the head), dealing 2 times as much damage.

Due to the way piercing hitstop works, you can throw in additional coins while the enemy is taking damage. Since the piercing attack has yet to ricochet off the previous last coin towards a weakspot, coin priority will go for the newly thrown coins instead. While it won't prolong the piercing damage, it will add additional damage equivalent to the amount of new coins thrown for the final hit into the weakspot.

This technique can also be done with the Piercer Revolver and the Sharpshooter Revolver, although it is harder to pull off due to the charge time.

Advanced N/A
Coinadding RevolverSpecial.png During a Railcoin's hitstop period, you can throw more coins into the rail, thereby extending its lifespan. This can be done multiple times, with each successive coin increasing the overall Railcoin's damage and the Ultraricoshot style number. Advanced N/A