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(Revolver page rework)

Nailgun HUD
Primary Fire
Damage 1 Icon revolver.png (2 if headshot, 1.5 if limbshot)
Cooldown 0.5 seconds
Damage Modifiers
V2 V2:

Stalker Stalker:

Obtained in

The Revolver is the first base weapon acquired in ULTRAKILL, taken off a pedestal at the beginning of 0-1: INTO THE FIRE with the weapon's blue variant, the Piercer. It's green variant, the Marksman, can be purchased in the yellow terminals for 7,500P, and it's red variant, the Sharpshooter, can be purchased for 25,000P.

The default key for switching to the Revolvers is 1.


The Revolver's primary fire shoots microscopic, magnetically-accelerated metal shards in the form of a white hitscan beam. It deals modest damage and has a decent fire rate, making it a consistent, reliable weapon at any range.


Being a hitscan weapon, the Revolver has the ability to interrupt enemies that are visibly charging Hell OrbHell Orbs. Shooting the projectile just before it is fired will instantly kill the enemy charging the it, also causing a Projectile Boost-sized explosion dealing 3.5 damage at the center that falls off to 2.3 at the edges.

  • This does not work on enemies charging Seeker OrbSeeker Orbs.

Locational Damage

All attacks from the standard Revolver benefit from locational damage modifiers. If an enemy has a distinct head, shooting it will deal 2x damage. If it has distinct limbs, shooting one will deal 1.5x damage.

Alternate Revolvers Alternate Revolvers, however, are not affected by locational modifiers.


The revolver resembles a conventional revolver with sci-fi accoutrements: above the grip there appears to be a battery with a cable connecting it to the on-board display, and in place of a conventional muzzle there is a tall, glowing rectangular opening. Its cylinder has six chambers that glow the color of the current variant.


The Piercer Revolver's chambers glow neon blue. Its interface displays a neon blue 3-segment battery icon. The icon indicates the alt-fire reacing full charge and the cooldown in-between alt-fires.


The Marksman Revolver's chambers glow neon green. Its interface displays 4 green circles, indicates the number of available coins. The display also indicates how long until each coin recharges, and makes an audible "ding" noise when one is available again that rises in pitch the more coins available there are.


The Sharpshooter Revolver's chambers glow neon red. Its interface displays 3 rectangles, indicating the number of available charged shots. The display also indicates how long until each shot recharges.


Piercer Revolver
Piercer Revolver
Primary Fire
Damage 1 Icon revolver.png
Cooldown 0.5 seconds
Alternate Fire
Damage 3 (1 x 3 hitscans) Icon bluerevolver.png
Cooldown 2.5 seconds
Damage Modifiers
V2 V2:

Stalker Stalker:
Terminal Info
Hold Alt Fire to charge a 3-hit beam.

Requires cooldown.
Obtained in

The Piercer Revolver is the first gun found in ULTRAKILL and is the blue variant of the Revolver, obtained in 0-1: INTO THE FIRE. It's alternate fire allows it to pierce through multiple targets, dealing moderate damage, and it can also break most glass objects in the game.


Holding alt fire will begin to charge the Piercer, reaching full charge after 0.5 seconds. If released before then, the charge will be lost and the gun will revert to its default state without firing anything.

When released at full charge, the Piercer fires a blue beam consisting of three 1-damage hitscans, which will strike an enemy consecutively. If the enemy dies before all three hitscans strike it, the remaining hitscans will continue past the enemy's corpse, striking any other enemy behind it. This allows the weapon to kill up to three enemies with one shot.

The alt fire must cool down for 2.5 seconds before it can be used again. However, the primary fire will remain usable during this cooldown.


The Piercer is a good source of quick burst damage. Since all attacks from the Revolver can deal extra damage through headshots and limbshots, quickly swapping to the Piercer and firing its charge shot at an enemy's head is an easy way of dealing 6 damage in under a second. This piercing beam can also be ricocheted off of the Marksman Revolver Marksman Revolver's coins, stacking its damage even higher.

Marksman Revolver
Marksman Revolver
Primary Fire
Damage 1 Icon revolver.png
Cooldown 0.5 seconds
Alternate Fire
Damage N/A; see Mechanics Icon hitscanparry.png
Cooldown 4 seconds/coin
Damage Modifiers
V2 V2:

Stalker Stalker:
Terminal Info
Press Alt Fire to throw a coin.

Hit an airborne coin to deflect your shot into the nearest enemy's weakpoint.

Coins can be chained.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop

The Marksman Revolver is the green variant of the Revolver, purchasable from the Terminal Shop as early as 0-2: THE MEATGRINDER. Its alternate fire flips a coin into the air, which can be shot with any hitscan weapon to increase the shot's damage and ricochet it into an enemy's weak point.


The Marksman holds a maximum of four coins. Pressing alt fire will throw a coin into the air in an arc. This arc will change depending on the player's current velocity: as long as the player continues to move in the same direction they were moving when they threw the coin, the arc will be the same relative to the player. The Marksman will recharge one coin at a time, and takes 4 seconds to recharge each coin - if the player throws all four coins, it will take 16 seconds to recharge them all.

Coins themselves deal no damage. However, shooting a coin with a hitscan attack will increase the shot's damage and deflect the shot into the closest target it has line of sight to. It will choose its target based on this priority list.

  • The deflected shot will first target any other coins that are currently in the air. Every time the shot strikes another coin, it chooses a new target, and it will always choose another coin first.
  • If the player has fired an ejected core, unsurfed rocket, or intact cannonball, it will target the closest of these within a 100-unit radius.
  • If there are no live explosives to target, the shot will target the nearest enemy.
    • It first checks if the enemy is charging a projectile. If it is, it will target and detonate that projectile.
    • If the enemy is not charging one, it next checks for weakpoints and targets the one with the highest damage modifier.
    • If the enemy has no weakpoints, it will target the body.
  • If none of these targets are available, the shot will be deflected in a completely random direction.

When a hitscan attack is reflected off of a coin, its damage is boosted - how much depends on what weapon was used.

  • For Standard Revolvers, the primary fire and Piercer alt fire gain 1 additional damage per hitscan from each coin.
  • For Alternate Revolvers Alternate Revolvers, the primary fire and Piercer alt fire gain 0.5 damage per hitscan from the first coin, then another 0.25 damage per hitscan for each additional coin after the first.
  • The Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter and Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter alt fires gain 1 additional hitscan per coin.
  • The Electric Railcannon Electric Railcannon and Malicious Railcannon Malicious Railcannon gain 2 additional damage from the first coin and 1 additional damage from every coin after the first, but this damage boost is not applied until the beam targets an enemy rather than a coin. In the case of the Malicious Railcannon, this damage boost is only applied to the hitscan, not the explosion.

Deflecting a shot from the Revolver's primary fire into an enemy earns the +RICOSHOT style bonus. Deflecting any other hitscan attack from a weapon earns the +ULTRARICOSHOT style bonus. Deflecting a hitscan attack from an enemy, while difficult, earns the +CHARGEBACK style bonus. If multiple coins are used to deflect the shot, the style bonus is multiplied by however many coins are in the chain.

If a coin is shot with the Revolver's primary fire at the peak of its arc or any time after 1 full second has passed, the shot will split into two identical beams, each with the full damage of the original beam plus the extra damage from the coin. Coins flash yellow to indicate when they've reached their arc's peak, and the sound a coin makes as it falls will change slightly after a second has passed.

The two beams from splitshots will never deflect into the same target. One beam calculates its target first, and that target is then removed from the priority list before the second beam calculates its own target. For example, if the player has fired the Core Eject Shotgun's Core Eject Shotgun's core before performing a splitshot, the first beam will detonate the core, and the second will instead target the nearest enemy's weakpoint as the core is no longer a valid target.

Performing a splitshot will award two +RICOSHOT style bonuses.

Advanced Techniques

Throwing a coin into the path of an enemy's hitscan attack will deflect the attack into the nearest enemy, awarding the +CHARGEBACK style bonus. If this targets the enemy that fired the attack, it will instantly kill them, except in the case of Guttermen, where it will behave normally.

Marksman chargeback.gif

After a coin is thrown, there is a 0.1-second window in which shooting the coin will not trigger a ricoshot - it will simply continue its arc unaffected. If an existing coin is chained into the newly thrown, "dead" coin, all damage from the first coin will be stacked onto the second coin. This stacked coin will increase the next shot's damage by 1 + the stacked damage. Repeatedly chaining coins this way can stack damage theoretically to infinity.

Coin Punching
When an airborne coin flashes, it can be punched with the Feedbacker Feedbacker to deflect the coin itself into an enemy, dealing 2 damage (multiplied by weakpoints) and causing the coin to bounce above the enemy's head, where it can be shot or punched again. A coin bounced this way has an additional 1 damage stacked onto it.

If no enemy is present, the coin will be deflected directly forward, bouncing off of the wall in front of the player. This will also stack damage onto the coin, though once the coin has reached 5 damage total, it cannot stack any further damage unless it is punched into an enemy or deadcoined.

Coin Lashing
Striking a coin with the Whiplash Whiplash will bounce the coin into the air. This will not stack any damage, but can be useful to keep coins in the air for long periods of time - especially for damage-stacked coins that the player may not want to shoot immediately.

There is a small delay of about 0.125 seconds between throwing multiple coins. Normally this delay does not impact gameplay whatsoever, but it is technically possible to skip this delay by switching away from and back to the Marksman Revolver - this must be done in time for the second swap animation to finish playing before the delay would otherwise end. This is highly impractical for humans, as both swaps would need to happen within a few frames of throwing the coin. But it might come in handy for tool-assisted runs of the game, which are not bound by human limitations.


The Marksman's coins are one of, if not the most versatile tools in the player's arsenal. Their consistent, controllable angle allows one to shoot an enemy from virtually any position, and their ability to reflect all hitscans allows for incredibly creative setups.

Basic splitshots can be used for quick crowd control, taking out weaker flying enemies and hard-to-reach ranged units. The angled shot can be used to reach out-of-the-way enemy weakpoints, most notably Streetcleaners' gas tanks located on their backs. More advanced coin setups can deal large amounts of damage to a single target in a rather short amount of time, which is most useful against bosses with long introductory cutscenes.


Sharpshooter Revolver
Sharpshooter Revolver
Primary Fire
Damage 1 Icon revolver.png
Cooldown 0.5 seconds
Alternate Fire
Damage 1-3 (1 x 1-3 hitscans) Icon redrevolver.png
Cooldown 6.6 seconds
Damage Modifiers
V2 V2:

Stalker Stalker:
Terminal Info
Hold Alt Fire to charge a piercing beam that ricochets off surfaces.

Can destroy projectiles.
Obtained in
Terminal Shop

The Sharpshooter Revolver is the red variant of the Revolver, purchasable from the Terminal Shop as early as 0-2: THE MEATGRINDER. Its alternate fire spins the gun to shoot a beam that pierces through enemies and ricochets off of walls, which can destroy enemy projectiles.


Holding down alt fire will rapidly spin the gun to charge it. After being held for at least 0.3 seconds, releasing alt fire will shoot a red beam that pierces through all enemies in its path, then bounces off the wall it hits. How many times it bounces depends on how long the gun is spun: if held for 2.5 seconds, the beam will bounce 3 times before disappearing the fourth time it hits a wall.

The beam's damage depends on how many times it bounces. When freshly fired, the beam deals 1 damage to each enemy in its path. Every time the beam bounces off a wall, an additional 1-damage hitscan is added, up to a maximum of 3 damage to each enemy.

When bouncing off of a wall, the beam's new angle is normally equal and opposite to the angle at which it struck the wall. However, if at least one enemy's weakpoint is within a few degrees of the new path, the beam will readjust itself to aim at the nearest weakpoint.

If the beam collides with any enemy projectile, that projectile will be destroyed and produce a 7-damage red explosion after a brief hitstop. It will only destroy the first projectile it collides with; the rest will be left untouched.

The Sharpshooter has 3 charges, which take 6.6 seconds each to recharge. Using its alt fire will consume one charge, regardless of how long the beam is charged.

Advanced Techniques

By lining up a shot perpendicular to a surface, the Sharpshooter's alt fire can hit the same enemy multiple times - once before bouncing, and again after the bounce. If this is done with two parallel surfaces, the beam can hit that enemy up to four separate times, as long as the enemy's weakpoint is in the path of the initial shot. This will deal a minimum of 9 damage if no weakpoints are struck (only possible if the enemy has none) and a maximum of 18 if the beam strikes the weakpoint every time.

Coins can be used to extend the number of hits even further, as Ricoshots do not count against the Sharpshooter's wall bounces. With precise positioning, it's possible to throw a coin front of the beam as it returns from a wall bounce, causing it to strike the coin instead of a second wall and return to the first wall. By throwing a coin before firing the beam, then bouncing it off of a coin each time it bounces off of a wall, it can strike all four coins this way. This is extremely difficult to pull off against most enemies, but it can be a very stylish way to fight a stationary or especially slow boss.

Note that coins do not add damage to the Sharpshooter's charge shot the same way they do to other hitscan shots. Instead of increasing each hitscan's damage by 1, they add another hitscan per coin. Even with this limit, the damage output of the aforementioned technique reaches a minimum of 33 if no weakpoints are hit and a maximum of 66 if a weakpoint is hit each time.


The Sharpshooter Revolver is a useful tool for pulling off tricky maneuvers. Its infinite piercing and ability to auto-target weakpoints allows it to take out multiple weaker enemies with clever positioning, and its ability to create red explosions by destroying enemy projectiles makes it an excellent crowd control tool. Against larger enemies, it is a relatively simple source of high damage, and when combined with coins, it can provide some very stylish kills.

However, using this weapon to its fullest potential requires a level of precision that most other weapons do not ask for. Since its power is uniquely limited by the environment it's used in, its usefulness is situational at best, and there are easier ways to deal high damage quickly. But when used properly, it can be devastating in the right scenarios.

Terminal Entry


A weapon created during the Final War for medium-to-long distance combat. Uses electric pulses to fire microscopic pieces of metal at incredibly high speeds.

Weapons that use this technology have been dubbed "electric guns", and it quickly became the new standard, replacing bullet guns. Due to still requiring a microscopic projectile, its ammo is not actually infinite, but it would take weeks of non-stop firing to run out and refilling is as easy as just scraping some flakes from scrap metal or even the gun's surface.

In fact, a rough, uneven surface from scraping flakes is considered a point of pride for wielders of electric guns, as it shows the weapon has been reliable and used for a long time. Many users even shave off flakes just for this reason, rather than for actual ammunition, making "unflaked" electric weapons an outlier.

Although an electric gun requires some time to recharge its battery between shots, the revolver-style design bypasses that issue by including a multi-battery cylinder that rotates after each shot, allowing each battery time to charge without slowing down the fire-rate.

A common modification is to allow for the charges of all batteries to be released simultaneously for greater power, though this requires a longer recharge time.

- The revolver's precision and the instant travel time of its shots make it an excellent and reliable way to deal damage at a range, as it's unlikely anything could have reaction times fast enough to dodge it.

- Headshots deal 2x damage, limbshots 1.5x

- When hit with precise timing during its flash, the Marksman variation's coin can split a shot in two, causing it to hit two targets instead of just one. Although the timing is tight, there is a second much longer window if the coin remains airborne for an extended period of time, recognisable[sic] by its continuous whistling sound.

- The Marksman variation's coin can be punched after it has flashed, launching it into the nearest target without breaking the coin, increasing its damage further for subsequent punches or shots.

- The Piercer's charged shot can also ricochet off of the Marksman variation's coins.

Color Customization

Each unlockable preset is also reproducible one-to-one with custom colors; their corresponding color codes are also given in the table below.

Name Soul Orbs Color code
Model Revolver1 1.png
0 N/A
Model Revolver1 2.png
10 R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.00
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.42
G: 0.19
B: 0.00
Model Revolver1 3.png
25 R: 0.00
G: 0.60
B: 1.00
R: 0.40
G: 0.50
B: 0.55
R: 0.40
G: 0.50
B: 0.55
Model Revolver1 4.png
50 R: 1.00
G: 0.24
B: 0.00
R: 0.25
G: 0.25
B: 0.25
R: 0.25
G: 0.25
B: 0.25
Model Revolver1 5.png
100 R: 0.50
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.25
G: 0.00
B: 0.00
R: 0.25
G: 0.00
B: 0.00



  • Prior to the Back to the Cyber Grind update, the cylinder on both revolvers' models rotated slightly off-center, causing them to lean in different directions as they spun.
  • Firing the revolver advances chambers two at a time instead of one like a traditional revolver, meaning the cylinder indexes through three different positions instead of six. This is easily seen if the weapon position is set to Middle in settings.
    • Each of the six chambers has a unique pattern on the backface, though only half are visible with Right and Left weapon positions due to the double indexing. Since the Left position mirrors the viewmodel, only the same set of three chamber patterns as the Right position are visible; the Middle position allows viewing of all six chamber patterns.
    • As the revolver's "muzzle" is a tall glowing gap instead of a single projectile-sized hole, and the cylinder itself contains batteries that power the weapon instead of conventional bullet cartridges, it can be inferred that the revolver draws power from the batteries at both the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions of the cylinder every time it fires, as otherwise the cylinder's double indexing would leave half of its batteries untapped.
  • Underneath the variant-specific information texture on the revolver's display, there is a hidden pixel illustration of a dog baked into the model. A number of ways exist to see the dog in-game without external programs:
    • When using the Restart Mission option from the pause menu, the information displays on most weapons will disappear during the brief freeze that occurs while the game reloads the level. This does not occur with the Piercer variant.
    • Setting Vertex Warping to Very Heavy or Modern Art will distort the weapon's model but not its display, allowing it to float above or clip through the model and reveal the dog underneath. The Piercer's display will instead distort along with the revolver's model, though it is still capable of briefly clipping through.
    • A similar distorting effect is achieved when the viewmodel position falls victim to floating point precision errors, when the player is extremely far out from the level origin.
Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4
Arms Feedbacker Feedbacker Knuckleblaster Knuckleblaster Whiplash Whiplash FistIcon4.png ???
Slot 1 Standard Revolvers
Alternate Revolvers
Standard Piercer Standard Piercer
Alternate Piercer Alternate Piercer
Standard Marksman Standard Marksman
Alternate Marksman Alternate Marksman
Standard Sharpshooter Standard Sharpshooter
Alternate Sharpshooter Alternate Sharpshooter
Slot 2 Standard Shotguns
Alternate Shotguns
Standard Core Eject Standard Core Eject
Alternate Core Eject Alternate Core Eject
Standard Pump Charge Standard Pump Charge
Alternate Pump Charge Alternate Pump Charge
Standard Sawed-On Standard Sawed-On
Alternate Sawed-On Alternate Sawed-On
Slot 3 Standard Nailguns
Alternate Nailguns
Standard Attractor Standard Attractor
Alternate Attractor Alternate Attractor
Standard Overheat Standard Overheat
Alternate Overheat Alternate Overheat
Standard JumpStart Standard JumpStart
Alternate JumpStart Alternate JumpStart
Slot 4 Railcannons Electric Electric Screwdriver Screwdriver Malicious Malicious
Slot 5 Rocket Launchers Freezeframe Freezeframe S.R.S. Cannon S.R.S. Cannon Firestarter Firestarter
Slot 6 Spawner Arms Move Move Alter Alter Destroy Destroy Prop Prop
Washing Tools Washer Washer Vacuum Vacuum
Unordered Variants
Miscellaneous Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Black Hole Cannon Black Hole Cannon Beamcutter Beamcutter