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The ULTRAKILL DEMO, also known as ULTRAKILL Prelude, is a free version of ULTRAKILL comprising of the Prelude levels and 1-1: Heart Of The Sunrise, along with 0-S: Something Wicked and 1-S: The Witless. The Demo is based off of an older version of the base game, and has various differences found within it compared to today: such as old models, missing features, and cut content. The Demo can be played on Steam and


The ULTRAKILL Demo was first released on August 28th 2019 (on i have no info for the release date), and on Steam June 13th 2020. and comprises of Prelude and the first level of 1-1, along with 0-S and 1-S. The demo only has access to Standard and Violent difficulty, with Harmless, Lenient and Brutal being inaccessible, along with the unreleased Ultrakill Must Die.

In the demo the player has access to the Feedbacker, the Piercer and Marksman Revolvers, the Core Eject and Pump Charge Shotguns, and the Attractor Nailgun. The other weapons are unavailable due to both progression and the date of the Demo itself, as it does not include variants such as the Sharpshooter and Sawed-On which were created after the release of the Demo.

Other modes such as The Cybergrind, Cheats, Sandbox, and the Dev Museum are inaccessible and unavailable.


Due to the Demo being based off an older version, various differences can be found with it compared to the base game.



  • Jump height is slightly lower than the base game's jump height.
  • Sliding does not maintain momentum.
  • While sliding the player is unable to adjust the direction by strafing.
  • Diving is less lenient in it's inputs.
  • Dash storage lasts indefinitely compared to the base game's one second of invulnerability.
  • Sliding particles do not change color when dash storage is active.


  • Parrying is much more tighter in it's timing.
  • Parrying does not regenerate stamina, only health.

The current Weapon Freshness system is not present in the Demo, with it being replaced by a "Fresh Weapon Bonus" system that grants bonus style to weapons that have been recently swapped to that were not used prior. Unlike the current system, the Fresh Weapon Bonus does not penalize using the same weapon consistently, only giving bonus style without much consequence if it's lost. This makes it fairly easy to gain style with techniques such as Projectile Boosting and Ricoshots, as continually using them will not penalize the player in score.



  • All weapons use older models compared to the base game's weapons aside from the Feedbacker.
  • Weapon colors are unable to be changed.
  • Unreleased gold variants are still present on Terminal menus, even though they have been scrapped from the main game.


  • The base state of the Piercer Revolver's battery UI is colored green instead of blue.
  • The Piercer's charge effect has a solid outline and a different texture.


  • Coins appear brighter in world.
  • Coin splitshot windows are not present, meaning that coins are unable to be split.
  • Coins are unable to be punched using the Feedbacker.
  • Coins do not target active Core Ejects.
  • Coins cannot chargeback enemies such as Malicious Face.


  • The Core Eject's meter starts off green when charging a core.
  • The flash of a thrown core eject does not follow the core itself and renders in front of objects, presumably due to a bug.
  • Cores cannot be sniped via hitscan attacks.

The Attractor Nailgun works significantly different than the base game's version. The version present in the demo has unlimited ammo, and requires it's fire to be held to reach it's full firing speed, represented by a meter on it's HUD.

  • The Attractor Nailgun's pullout speed is slightly slower than the current Attractor.
  • The Attractor Nailgun can fire an infinite amount of magnets vs the current Attractor's 3.
  • The Attractor Nailgun cannot launch a magnet while firing.


  • Malicious Face and Swordsmachine both use early models.
  • Strays cannot be melee parried during their windup.
  • Schisms are not instantly killed by a melee parry.
  • Schisms can only be interrupted by a ricoshot.
  • Hell Energy Orbs have a solid outline.
  • Malicious Face beam has a solid outline.
  • Malicious Face corpses do not crush enemies when they are falling.
  • Drones do not grant the +HOMERUN style bonus when punched.
  • Coins target divebombing Drones.


  • Soul Orbs have a different texture for their outer edges.
  • Collected Blood Orbs are greyed out like normal Soul Orbs rather than having a unique texture.


  • The elevator hub houses less detail with it's geometry, most notably the platform underneath the drop shaft.
  • Terminals have a different screen texture, being more of a rough metal plating rather than a glass screen.
  • The Enemy and Cybergrind tabs in the Terminal are inaccessible.
  • The ability to zoom on Terminal screens using right click is missing.


  • The shortcut used to bypass the starting door in 0-1 without picking up the Revolver is not present in the demo.
  • The Pipe Clip speedrun shortcut in 0-1 is not present in the demo.


  • The lava in 0-5 instantly kills the player on contact rather than 50 damage per tick.


  • The walls in Limbo do not warp when the player gets too close to them. The walls also lack a screen overlay texture.
  • The right door is missing in the first room of 1-1.
  • 1-1 houses an extra Malicious Face in it's final combat arena.
  • The slab used to unlock the Alternate Revolver is replaced with placeholder text reading "this will do something later :)".
  • The final combat arena in 1-1 leads to the Hideous Mass boss arena found in 1-3 rather than the exit elevator. Approaching the Hideous Mass in the center will cause it to appear and start it's boss introduction before the player is frozen and the end of demo screen appears.


  • The hidden message found by going out of bounds through the top of 1-S's exit elevator does not appear in the demo.


  • The main menu buttons have a white outline rather than being one flat color.
  • 'Play' in the start menu is replaced by 'Continue', presumably when a pre-existing save exists.
  • Credits button is missing in the demo.
  • Options lacks various settings and options, most notably including missing Saves and Color tabs and a vastly simplified controls menu.
  • Checkboxes use a different design, being a grey checkmark rather than a white X.
  • The secrets section in the level tab menu is displayed with "X/X" rather than with individual checkboxes for each secret.
  • The locked Gluttony levels in Act I are displayed left to right rather than being centered.


  • Dying will cause background music and sound effects to slow down.